Chapter 9

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We finally arrived at the house, the memories when from when Jamie and I were kids came flooding back. I felt the same welcome I had felt when I went over there for the first time as a little kid. I got out of the car and looked at the Reagan house. A huge smile formed on my face as I kept thinking of the memories. Jamie came over by me and grabbed my hand. "You ready?" he asked squeezing my hand three times. "Yeah as ready as I'll ever be" I said squeezing his hand. Jamie and I have had this thing since we were teenagers. I soon learned that when you squeeze someones hand three times it means I love you. I thought it was cute and never told Jamie. Oops.

We walked into the house. I saw Nicky come running up to me and hugged me. "Hey kiddo" I said as a gave her a big hug. "Kenna, what are you doing here?" she asked. "I came with your Uncle Jamie if that's ok with you" "Yes of course that's ok" She said and laughed. "Nicky, is Jamie here?" Erin yelled from the kitchen. "Yes and he brought a guest" Nicky said looking at me with a big smile. "A guest you say?" Erin said as she walked into the room. "Hey Kenna how are you?" Erin said as she hugged me. "I'm ok just going through some stuff but your brothers are helping me out." I said looking at Erin. "Well come on you two we don't want to keep Dad waiting" Erin said as she lead us to the dinner table.

I grabbed Jamie's arm due to the fact I was nervous. All eyes were on Jamie and I. Danny looked at me with a big smile. "Welcome to family dinner kid" Danny said as he came and hugged me "Thanks Danny" I said. "Long time no see MaKenna, How are you?" Frank said and smiled at me. "I know it's been a while, I'm doing ok" I said. "Well are you guys going to take a seat or just going to stand there?" Henry asked. I nudged Jamie. "After you sir" I said pushing him a bit. "Jack go get another chair from the other room and put it by Jamie please?" Linda said. Jack went and got my chair, I sat down. "Uncle Jamie, who is the girl?" Sean asked "Well Sean this is my childhood friend MaKenna" Jamie said and put his hand on my thigh. I looked at him and my face got red.

Danny looked at me like I was crazy. "What's the matter over there? Your blushing like Jamie just did something that made you crazy" Danny said. "Uh nothing" I said and moved Jamie's hand off my thigh. I looked at Erin and mouthed I'd tell her later. "So is anyone going to say grace?" Jamie said trying to change the subject. "Why don't you say it little brother?" Danny asked him. "I don't know Danny why don't you?" Jamie snapped back at him. I looked at Jamie and whispered "Jamie calm down it was just a question" "I wasn't even mad about it" he whispered back. "I'll say grace" Erin said. Erin said grace and we began to eat. I felt so awkward being there. "So how's the nurse life?" Henry asked me. "It's ok, it's just a bunch of waiting to know what needs to be done and everything. You know." I said back to him. "Sounds like the same I deal with" Linda said. "Yeah it's basically just sit around until they need you, but I mostly deal with labor and delivery" I said. "You help birth babies?" Sean said. "Basically yeah, but I'm usually making sure mom is ok and has every thing she needs" I said. Jack and Sean sat in shock.

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