Chapter 10

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The rest of dinner went pretty smoothly, Danny sat and gave me and Jamie a hard time. When it was time to carry dishes in Erin asked  me to help her. "So what happened between you and Jamie?" Erin asked as she was putting dishes in the dishwasher. "He was telling Sean about me then all of a sudden just put his hand on my thigh." I said while handing her dishes. She stopped and looked at me like I had murdered someone. "You're telling me my little brother Jamie put his hand on your thigh? The same Jamie who changed his mind after law school?" "Yes Erin the same Jamie. Trust me it caught me off guard too. Don't worry, I just wish Danny wouldn't have put all the attention on it you know" "Yeah I get it. Especially since he knows that Jamie has feelings for you.""Yeah and not to mention I have feelings for Jamie too." I said looking back and seeing Danny. "Oh my second little sister has a crush on my little brother Jamie" Danny said. "Yes Danny I do, and Jamie has feelings for me too. He doesn't know I know" I said to Danny. "Hey Kenna are you ready to get home?" Jamie said as he walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. Erin and I looked at each other. "Oooooooh Romeo is gonna get a Juliet" Danny said teasing us. Jamie let go of me and I turned around and threw a towel at him. "Yeah Jamie I am ready to go. I don't know if I can deal with your brother any longer" I said and laughed. Erin came over and hugged me. "What was that about" She whispered in my ear. I looked at her. "I have no idea" I said then said my goodbyes to her. 

Jamie grabbed my hand and took me to the family room where Frank and Henry were. "Alright dad we are heading out" Jamie said. "No so fast you guys" Frank said as he came up and hugged me. "We are always here if you need us" Frank said. "Thank you, I really appreciate it. I'm not sure if Jamie has told you guys but my mom is causing a ton of problems" I said. "He told us and us Reagan's love you like one of our own. Don't ever be afraid to reach out, or come to family dinner" Henry said and smiled at me. "Thank you guys" I said. "Wait Kenna " Nicky said as she hugged me. "Bye Nicky, Bye boys!" I said. 

We walked out of the house, and I couldn't think about what had just happened. Jamie and his hand on my thigh, him wrapping his arms around my waist. We got into the car and I turned and looked at him. "Jamie what the hell was that?" I asked him. "What was what ?" he said "Your hand on my thigh and you wrapping your arms around me in front of your sister and your brother."" I don't know, I wasn't thinking but if you're mad about it I'm sorry" "Jamie it's ok, and I'm not mad about it, just caught me off guard." I said as we kept eye contact. Jamie grabbed my face and kissed me. "WOOOOOO" I heard Danny yell from outside. "Little bro gettin some later" Danny asked. "No, not at all." Jamie and I said at the same time. "Jamie can we please go?" I asked. "Yeah, I want to get you home before something happens" Jamie said.

We left the Reagan household and he took me home. I got out of his car, and he grabbed my hand and walked me to the door. "Thanks for tonight Jamie" I said while unlocking the door. We walked in and I turned the lights on. "Yeah anytime it was good for you to be back with the family" He said and smiled at me. "Yeah we need to do it more often,Hey uh Jamie could you stay over? I just don't feel comfortable being alone.""Yeah no kidding, will you be ok if I leave to get clothes or do you want me to call Danny and Erin to get them?" "No I think I should be ok" "Are you sure?" Jamie said as he came up and hugged me. "Yeah if something happens I will call you or Danny" I said as I stood there listening to his heart beat. Jamie pulled away a bit. "Are you absolutely sure?" He said looking at me. "Yes Jamie  I will be ok, I promise." I said and smiled at him. "Ok I will be right back, keep the door locked until I get back ok?" He said as his grip on my hips got tighter. "I will Jamie" I said as I kissed him. 

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