Chapter 18

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We headed downstairs and I watched the boys get to work. Suddenly they stopped, I got up to see what was wrong. "Stay back" Danny said "What's wrong?" I asked. "There is someone around now stay back" Danny yelled at me. I already knew the issue. I bet it was Simon. "Clear" I heard Jamie yell into the house. "Clear for me too kid" Danny said as he got back to work. "Jamie, what the hell just happened?" I asked concerned from the couch. "Danny saw Simon lurking around but then he disappeared." Jamie said looking at me. Just when I thought that it would end. It didn't, after they were done Danny explained all the things to me like I understood. Sure I understood medical terms but I'm not a mechanic or anything so I had no idea. 

We sat and talked for a little while until Danny got a very angry phone call from Linda telling him to get home. "Well I gotta get home, Linda is a little irritated. No funny business" Danny said walking out of my house. "Bye Danny" I yelled to him before he shut the door. "So" Jamie said looking at me. "So?" "You look like you have something on your mind Kenna" "What?" "I know something's up" "Jamie what are you talking about?" " You're only this quiet when something is wrong? What's wrong?" "Jamie, I have to tell you something. I'm scared it'll ruin our friendship though." I said looking at him. 

He placed his hand on my back. "What is it?" "Ok Jamie, I have feelings for you, I have since we graduated from high school, but then you met Sydney, and she pushed you away from me. I know she hated me, she made it to the point I stopped coming for family dinner. It crushed me when I found out you proposed to her. More so I was jealous, I wanted it to be me Jamie. I knew she wasn't the one when she refused to come to the house after Joe passed away. Jamie I haven't forgotten what you told me when we were in Joe's room. I know you made the biggest mistake of your life." Kenna" "Hang on I'm not done. I was so proud watching you graduate from the academy. I'm glad I got to hug you before Sydney pushed me out of the way. Jamie. I really like you. If you don't feel the same it's ok I get it." I said looking at the couch. "Well before you cut me off I was about to say that I had feelings for you too, the feeling is there Kenna. I knew Sydney was a mistake after everything that happened with Joe. She wasn't even there, you were, and when I announced I was joining the academy she got all mad and stormed out of the room. You stayed. You knew it was what I needed to do. You were the one who was really excited I was going to be a cop. I thought you weren't going to make it for the graduation, I was wrong. You have no idea how happy I was seeing you there. I wanted to hold you longer but then Sydney ruined it." Jamie said rubbing my back. "Jamie-" "This is going to sound bad but I was relieved when Syd broke off the engagement. I knew I would finally have a chance with you." He said pulling me close. "Jamie, you always had a chance. You just didn't take it when you needed to" I said with my head on his chest. "You Reagan boys are very stubborn" I said looking at him and smiling. "I'm aware" He said laughing a little bit. 

We stayed there in silence for a little while. I looked up at him, "So Kenna?" "Yes Jameson" "Would you want to be my girlfriend?" He said looking down at me. "Jamie are you serious?" I said sitting up. "What?" "You should know the answer, Yes" He looked at me relieved, he pulled me into the longest kiss of my life. We pulled away, "So does that mean you're coming to family dinner on Sunday?" "Yes Jamie. I know it'll make your dad happy" I said getting up. "Where are you going?" "To bed, you can come with if you want" "Right behind you." We went upstairs and got into my bed. "goodnight love" Jamie said pulling me close to him. I layed there listening to his heartbeat. "goodnight hun" I said hugging him tight. I felt safe with him, I knew I would always be safe with any of the Reagan's or so I thought.

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