Chapter 25

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I went looking for the whiskey. "What are you looking for?" Frank asked. "Jameson" I said going through all the cabinets. "He's in the living room about to fight Danny" Frank said as I turned around. "JAMESON REAGAN, DANIEL FITZGERALD REAGAN" I yelled running into the room. "What did I just say?" I said trying to calm myself down. "To stop fighting." Danny said. "Listen next time, Jamie get in here with me now!" I said pulling him into the room by his shirt. "Ooh she's mad" Danny said as I drug Jamie into the kitchen. "You stay here and help Linda" I said. "Danny shut your mouth" I said from the kitchen. "I think you have a handful Kenna" Linda said adding some cheese on top of her pasta dish. "Your telling me, now where's the whiskey?" I said looking at Frank. "In the cabinet" He said pointing me in the right direction. "Ah my favorite, Jameson" I said grabbing it then kissing Jamie's cheek. "How did I know?" Jamie said as I slid him a glass. "I don't know Jameson." "Oh love birds" Danny said as he walked in. "Jameson" I said pouring Frank a glass. "You talking to me or about the whiskey?" Jamie asked. "You, don't give him a reaction. You do and you're sleeping on the couch. I mean it." I said taking a drink. "Nothing Harvard?" "Danny knock it off" I said walking over to Jamie. "What? I'm just busting chops." "Danny, No you're not. You're teasing MaKenna and Jamie. Leave them alone. They aren't hurting anybody. I think they are cute together." Linda said smiling at me. "At least someone agrees." Nicky said walking into the room.

We all looked at Nicky like she was crazy. "What? I think they are cute together." She said defending herself. "Nicky, I don't blame you. We are pretty cute." I said kissing Jamie's cheek. "They aren't that cute" Danny said. "Shut up Danny" Linda said glaring at him. "Erin?" Frank called from the other room. "Yeah dad?" She asked coming from the living room. "Why don't you and Jamie get the table set? Kenna can help Linda bring things in." Frank said looking at everyone. We all went our separate ways, Jamie and Erin got the table set while Linda and I got the food out on the table.

We all sat down. "Whose saying grace?" Erin asked. "I think Danny should." I said. "She should, she's Jamie's new lover." Danny clapped back. "Um no, you should since you're the one being a dick." I snapped back. "Kenna stop" Jamie whispered to me. "Kids not at the table." Henry said looking at Danny and I. "I can say grace." Erin said. "You always say grace." Danny said. "Fine I'll say grace" I said grabbing Jamie's hand. We said grace and dug in. "Linda this is amazing." I said looking at her. "Thank you!" "Yeah, it tastes better from when dad made it" Jack said. "It wasn't that bad" Danny said. "Yeah because you're definitely supposed to use canned cheese Uncle Danny." Nicky said disgusted. "Canned cheese Danny? Really?" I asked. "What? It wasn't that bad." "Danny it was disgusting." Jamie said. "Well what do you know about it Harvard?" Danny snapped at him. "Shut up Danny. You've been on my case since I got out of academy." Jamie said. "You'll know when I'm on your case." Danny said taking a bite. "Danny knock it off. I don't know what your deal is with Jamie and I, but it needs to stop. You need to face the fact that I love your brother and we are together. Get over it!" I said snapping on him.

We all sat and ate in silence after I snapped on him. Jamie put his hand on my back. "Help me clear please." He said. I got up and went into the kitchen with him. "Jamie I'm going to kick your brothers ass. He's had an issue since he first found out we got together. I'm sick of all his snarky comments. He doesn't need to be so mean to you for no reason." I said. "I know, but snapping on him is not the way to go Kenna." "Jamie you really think I'm going to sit and take his shit?" "No but you need to. I know you don't want to but that outburst was not cute." Jamie said coming and putting his hands on my hips. "Jamie, I love you but I should be able to have an opinion. How Danny is treating us is not ok." I said looking up at him. "I know but we can't do anything about it." Jamie said. "She's right Jameson." Frank said from behind us. "Were you listening the whole time?" I asked looking from behind Jamie. "Yes, you're in the right Kenna. Danny needs to stop." Frank said looking at us. "He won't stop, he hasn't stopped getting on my case since I got out of academy, and now that I'm with Kenna. It's just one thing after another." Jamie said. "What? Is there something wrong with you being with me?" I asked. "No, no, no. You're fine. I'm fine. We are fine. There is nothing wrong with you being with me. I promise." Jamie said hugging me. "You had me worried Jamie." I said. "We love having you around, and we are glad he finally admitted he liked you. Danny is just working on a tough case. He is taking his frustration out on you guys. Nothing wrong with you two being together." Frank said. "I'm glad. I love you guys." I said.

Frank came over and hugged me. "We love you too Kenna." He said. "Kenna? Jamie? Can I talk to you guys?" Danny said as he came into the room. "Sure I guess." I said rolling my eyes and started to put the dishes in the dishwasher. "I know I was a little out of line." Danny said. "Danny a little? You tried to fight me." Jamie said. "Ok a lot out of line. I'm sorry." "It's ok. I guess I can forgive you." I said looking at him and laughing. "Yeah it's ok" Jamie said. "I personally don't think you should forgive him." Linda said starting on dessert. "Linda." Danny said. "What? After how you treated them, no. It's not ok, I know this case is tough on you but don't take it out on them. Please?" Linda asked with a look in her eyes. "I know it's not ok, Kenna, Jamie leave please?" Danny asked as Frank brought us out of the room.

Soon fighting broke out in the kitchen as Jamie, Frank and I sat down. "I'm sorry for my little outburst earlier. I didn't mean to say the things I said. I promise it most likely won't happen again." I said looking at everyone. "It's ok. We have a lot of fights at this table between the three kids. Hearing you speak up though is good." Henry said. "We needed someone to get on him like you did Kenna. Sure he's stubborn but I think he'll figure it out. Don't worry about what he thinks of you and Jamie. We love you guys, We are glad he finally asked you out though." Erin said looking at me and smiling. "Ok here is dessert" Linda said storming into the room pissed off at Danny. "Linda please?" Danny said. "Danny not now." Linda snapped back.

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