Chapter 4

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I made my way to the door with Jamie following closely behind me. "So MaKenna?" "Yeah mom?" "Who is going with who? I only have room for three since your brother decided to put his stuff in my backseat." "I mean one of us can ride with Jamie" I say as I look at him. "Yeah, Nicky and Erin why don't you guys go with Mandy and MaKenna can come with me." Jamie said and smiled. Erin looked at me and playfully nudged my shoulder. "I think you like Jamie" Erin said. "What? No. Why do you think that?" "I don't know maybe because Nicky came around the corner and saw you two kissing and she came back and said I think Uncle Jamie has a girlfriend" "Wait are you serious? Oh no. Ok maybe I do like Jamie a little bit" "A little bit?" "A lot a bit?" "That sounds about right. I know he likes you at family dinner last Sunday he couldn't stop talking about you. I asked him about it and well he confessed he likes you." "That'll make things so much easier now that I know but next time hopefully Nicky will say something" I said. Erin laughed and went to talk to my mom.

Jamie looked at me. "So what were you and Erin talking about?" "Well she told me that Nicky came around the corner and saw us kissing." "She did?" "I guess so. Erin said that Nicky came back and said that her Uncle Jamie had a girlfriend or something". Jamie stood there and stayed quiet. I nudged him a little bit "You ready to go Reagan?" "Yeah". Soon enough we all leave and head toward the spa. It surprised me a little bit on Jamie coming with us. I knew he wasn't into that kind of stuff. I had guessed that my mom had him come so that I would be protected in case anything happened more so along the lines of something happening to me. My mom is protective of me so it's a good thing she had Jamie come with us.

We arrived at the spa and went in. "So Nicky, how's school? You crushing on anyone?""No, but what about you MaKenna?" Erin and I look at each other. "What? I was just asking a question.""No Nicky, I ain't crushing on anyone" "Sure" she says and smiles. We talk and enjoy the time together. After the spa we headed to the mall. When we got inside I had the feeling someone was following me. I looked over my shoulder and sure enough my gut feeling was right. I moved closer to Jamie and grabbed his arm. He looked down at me "What's wrong?""It's him, he was the one who followed me last night".  "Hey Simon" I heard my mom say. "Hi Mandy, how are you doing?" "Good how are you?" "Good, Wow MaKenna your still as gorgeous as the day I met you, and who is this next to you?" "Thanks Simon" I said as I looked away. "Um this is Jamie, a childhood friend of mine" "Nice to meet you Jamie" " Well it was nice seeing you Simon but we have to go" I said as I looked at my mom. 

We said our goodbyes and walked away."I saw the way he was looking at you." Jamie said. "Yeah he's had a thing for me since he first met me. I've never trusted him. I know he is the one stalking me. " "Have you told anyone besides me or your mom?""No" "MaKenna if it gets any worse you need to tell someone. It won't end good if you keep this to yourself.""I know Jamie, trust me I do". We shopped for a little while and then we went to get dinner. After dinner, we all went home. I was riding with Jamie and I noticed headlights behind us. After he dropped me off I ran inside and locked all the doors and shut off the lights. I ran upstairs and got in the shower when I got out to grab my towel I saw Simon's face again. I shut off the light and hid.

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