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TW: mentions gun, violence

The docks were a peaceful place at night. The full moon lit up the seaside, giving an eerie type of light. The salty wind blew Kai's long hair out of his face. He closed his eyes, listening to the waves crash against the wood of the dock that he was currently standing on. A few Foot soldiers were scouting the area, making sure that the meddlesome turtles did not ruin the transaction.

FishFace jumped out of the rough waters from his patrol, landing next to Kai and Tigerclaw. He shook the cold water off of him, sending droplets onto his two comrades. Tigerclaw growled as the icy water stung his fur. Kai rolled his eyes and brushed it off of his face.

"He should have been here by now," Kai said, his voice somewhat muffled by the mask on his face. "This is a waste of time."

"He'll be here," Tigerclaw stated firmly.

"You've worked with him before?"

"Vizioso isn't the most reliable," Tigerclaw explained. "Especially after his stunt with the mutant-hunting guns. But he has good weapons."

Soon enough, Tigerclaw was right. Headlights appeared in the dark shadows, heading towards them quickly. The long black car turned to the side, pulling to a stop in front of them. Two identical lanky men climbed out of the front seats and walked to the trunk, popping it open.

"Well, well, well," the one on the right said. "I see Shredder is sending his lackeys out to do his dirty jobs for him."

"Is Shredder hiding behind his mutant monsters?" the other said in a sarcastic tone. He trailed his eyes over Tigerclaw and FishFace, his gaze coming to rest on Kai. "Oh, so you're the little protégé that we have heard so much about. Shredder's son."

He walked closer to Kai, towering over him. "What are you doing with the likes of these monsters?" Kai felt Tigerclaw tense up next to him, silently getting ready to beat this skinny dude up in case he tried anything. But as soon as he got close enough to do anything, the silence was interrupted by five figures flying down from the shipping containers and landing in a circle around the dealers and the mutants.

Vizioso's dealers backed up in shock at the newcomers. Kai looked around at the turtles and the human that was with them. The dismembered parts of the robotic Foot soldiers lay around them, the metal pieces glinting in the moonlight.

The dealers laughed at the sight of the menacing turtles. "You all again?"

"What?" Raphael snarked. "Scared you'll get beat again?"

"On the contrary, turtle," Kai said. "There's five of us against the five of you. You may need a few more players to actually stand a chance."

"Listen here, pipsqueak," the human... Casey... said. "We've had jus' abou' enough of ya. Who are ya anyway?"

"Come now, Casey Jones," Kai said. Why was he feeling so guilty? "I beat all of you fair and square. If you lost to little old me, it's your own fault."

The two dealers looked back and forth between the two of them and each other. They quickly began to run to their car, leaving Tigerclaw, FishFace, and Kai to fend for themselves. The turtles and humans started laughing, letting them leave. The car pulled out of the dock and, with it, the only source of light coming from their headlights.

The dock was now only lit up by the dim moonlight. The laughing stopped, and now the darkness was filled with silence.

"Three against six?" Leonardo asked. "You sure you still want to do this?"

"We'll have turtle soup for dinner," FishFace snarked.

That finally did it. They all charged at the same time, coming at Shredder's henchmen all at once. Donatello and Leonardo started attacking Tigerclaw. Raphael and Michelangelo attack FishFace. Casey attacked Kai.

Are You Sure I'm Not A Villain?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon