Chapter 8: A New Channel

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Harry's POV:
I get to the hotel and security helps me push through the fans, screaming my name and asking where Niall is.

I get in the lobby and remember Louis. This was going to be good. No Niall. Just Louis and I.

I go up the elevator to my floor and walk down the hall. I look up and see Louis leaning against the door frame, sleeping.

I grin and kneel down next to him. I kiss his forehead and his eyes flutter open. When he sees me, he flinches, "Harry!" he exclaims, holding his chest, "You scared me."

I grin, "Sorry... Want to come in?" I ask him.

He looks around and nods, "Where's Niall?" he asks, standing up.

I pull the key card out of my pocket and slide it through the slot, "We, um, got in a bit of an argument... I don't think we'll be making anymore videos" I sigh and shrug opening the door.

"What?! NiallandHaz are over?!" he exclaims, following me in and closing the door.

"I guess so. He said he was done with me" I shrug and open the mini fridge, grabbing two bottles of water.

"Oh no! This is horrible! It's my fault too! You two were dating and he saw you kissing me and got angry and you broke up and it's all my fault and your whole channel is going down because of me and I'm going to be blamed for this and I-"

"You ramble a lot" I chuckle, tossing him the water as he sits on the edge of one of the beds.

"Sorry, it's my fault though" he says sighing and laying back.

"No, it's mine... We never dated but I told him we could secretly date and then I just broke up with him. I just wanted him happy for the show. Niall can be grumpy if he isn't happy" I shrug.

"So not my fault?"

I shake my head, sitting next to him and he sits up, "Nope" I smile, cheekily.

He grins, "Your dimples are even deeper in person" he chuckle, pushing one.

"Louis, a-are you gay?" I ask him and his face blushes red.

"I told you I was but I'm not open about it" he says, sighing, "Why?"

"Because I wanted to do this" I smile before kissing him gently.

Luckily, this time he kisses me back. Our lips move in sync with each other and I feel like we are a perfect match.

He pulls away and bites his lip and swallows hard, "S-so how's it like being a famous YouTuber?" he asks nervously.

I chuckle and roll my eyes, "You're cute" I flirt with him.

He bats his eyes, "Seriously though, what's it like?"

I shrug, "Want to find out?"

"What do you mean?" he asks, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I mean" I chuckle, standing up and grabbing my camera bag, "since Niall and I are done, let's make our own channel. Can't be so bad starting, considering I'm already famous and everyone loves me."

"Oh, but Harry, I told you I'm sort of in the closet" he says, nervously.

I shrug, "So... You're just my best friend that I met on the tour and now we are making videos together" I smile and set up the camera facing a blank wall.

I put two chairs together like I always do when Niall and I record.

"It's going to be a lot of work but if we can get so many subs, this can be your job too" I smile.

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