•Chapter 48•

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Althea Cooper

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Althea Cooper

4th April 2022

What the fuck is that beeping sound?

My eyes groggily flicker open, only to be met by a blindingly bright light. So intense that I can physically feel it burning my corneas. As quick as my eyes had opened they slam shut again, an ache already developing deep in my skull.

Where the hell am I?

God my head feels like it's burning.

I take a minute, my eyes still tightly closed, trying to work out where I am just from the sounds surrounding me. A monotonous beeping echoes through the room at a constant rate and the sound of multiple shuffling feet can be heard in the distance. The sound of clanking metal and the dinging of a phone rings in the background and then suddenly everything in my foggy brain snaps into place.

My body bolts upright as my eyes snap open to see exactly what I was expecting.

Why the fuck am I in the hospital?

I immediately regret my fast movements when it feels like all the blood rushes straight from my head, instantly making my head feel concerningly light. I slump back against the flat hospital pillow with a groan but before I even have time to wrap my head around my own thoughts or even a chance to comprehend why I'm here in the first place a very familiar voice echoes through the room.

"Niall!" Harry's voice bellows behind the curtain I'm currently quietly tucked behind. He sounds so on edge that it genuinely makes me nervous for a second.

"Over here, mate." Niall calls back, he's way closer to me than I thought he was. Judging by the volume of his voice compared to Harry's he's got to be only on the other side of the flimsy curtain.

"Is she okay? What the fuck happened?" Harry's frantic voice questions. "How did she end up in the ER? What did he do to her? Where is she? What's going on?"

"Mate." Niall calmly responds. I can perfectly picture the expression on his face right now, even with the barrier between us. "How did you get here so fast?"

"Niall!" Harry snaps, the volume of his voice even making me jump. "That's the least of my fucking concerns right now. Answer the damn questions! Is Thea okay?"

"She's fine." Niall huffs. "She passed out but I just thought it was best I brought her here just in case. I think it's a good idea if she fills you in on what happened. I think she's a bit overwhelmed."

I passed out? I can barely remember a thing. Everything feels hazy. Like someone had crawled inside my head and lightly dragged an eraser over each of my memories until they were almost unrecognisable. I remember Jamie coming in. I remember Jamie's dad. Oh my god.

"A bit overwhelmed?!" Harry bites. "She fucking passed out, Ni! That's more than being a little overwhelmed. Is she awake yet?"

"No, not yet. And to be fair, if I was in her position I think I would have probably passed out too." Niall replies in such a casual tone that I can tell that it's about to send Harry flying over the edge.

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