•Chapter 8•

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Althea Cooper

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Althea Cooper

20th November 2021 (Two weeks later)...

Harry is a dick.

It's been two weeks since he stumbled in here and poured his heart out and for once in his life acted like a normal human being with emotions and since then he's been back to his usual robotic self.

Everyday he walks in here and everyday he pretends that he doesn't even know my name and to say it's annoyed me would be an understatement. I understand not wanting to talk about how he was feeling that night, I really do understand that. But there is absolutely no reason to pretend I don't even exist in his mind now. It's just plain rude.

For the first week I tried my very best to pretend that it wasn't bothering me and made every attempt to get him to act as though he actually remembered who I was. For starters I made sure to write "Harry" on his take out cup instead of the usual H and I made extra effort to ensure that I smiled more and talked more to him when he came in.

I got nothing back.

Not even a smile. But still I continued to make every effort to be as polite to him as possible the whole week. Seven days Harry walked into my cafe and not once in those seven days did he smile.

He had me questioning whether the whole conversation we'd had that night was some sort of sleep deprived hallucination. In fact, if it wasn't for the security cameras, that I checked on the third day of him ignoring my existence, I would be convinced that night didn't happen.

We're now at the end of week two of this nonsense and still not any acknowledgement from Harry and now I'm no longer disheartened...I'm pissed off.

"HADLEY! Can you take over the counter for a minute? I really need to go to the back quickly!" I urgently shout.

Hectic would actually be an understatement for the state of the cafe right now. I don't think any of us have stopped for a break in what feels like days. This time of year always brings an influx of customers, particularly when festive drinks are available, But that just means even more work for us.

A very flustered Hadley comes running from the back with a slight look of annoyance covering her features.

"What do you need Thea? It's mental back there, there's a pile of pots in there that is taller than me!" She groans as she wipes her half wet hands down the front of her apron in an attempt to quickly dry them off.

"My phone has been ringing in my pocket none stop for the last hour and I've been trying to ignore it, I really have but it literally hasn't stopped and it's Eden. I really need to go and check that everything's okay. Can you just take over the counter whilst I ring her back please? I'll be five minutes tops, I promise!" I quickly stutter out, falling over my words due to the sheer speed that they're leaving my mouth.

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