•Chapter 47•

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Harry Styles

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Harry Styles

April 4th 2022

The ER is empty.

Completely and utterly empty.

The only patient in the whole room is the singular young man in the corner who is having his eyebrow stitched up by one of the interns after some sort of football to the face incident at school. Besides him the space is silent. Even the nurses aren't sure what to do with themselves.

The ER being quiet is a sure fire way to make the hairs on the back of my neck stand on edge. In fact everyone in the room seems uneasy. Even the air had this cold chill about it, like the calm before the storm.

This is always how it is. If the ER is silent, everyone else is nervous. It can only mean one thing...something catastrophic is about to happen.

It would never be possible to just have this quiet of a day. We are waiting for something and everyone could sense it. Like sitting ducks.

"Fuck me." A voice whispers behind me, a voice I recognise well when Niall rounds my body to stand next to me, his face as pale as a ghost. "This can't be good." He mutters, staring around the room with deep apprehension.

"No. This is never good." I hum in agreement, my own eyes scouring the room as if it was about to combust right in front of me.

"Have you been assigned to the ER today?" Niall questions, catching my attention from the staring. It was too fucking quiet in here, even the machines buzzing didn't seem as loud as usual.

"No, I just came down to see if I could help anywhere and then I saw this. I'm supposed to have a meeting with one of my patients in..." I quickly glance at the watch on my wrist, "twenty minutes. Have you been assigned the ER?"

"No. I was thinking the same as you. Weird how we were both just drawn here." Niall hums but I'm quickly smacking him on the back of the head.

"Why would you say that, you twat?" I grit through my teeth. It's like he enjoys jinxing shit.

"Ow!" Niall shrieks, rubbing the back of his head with a scowl. "I know what you're thinking but I'm not jinxing anything. I just thought it was weird."

"Yeah, right." I scoff. "This is place is going to be fucking flooded in the next hour and it's going to be your fault." I say as I walk away from him towards the elevator.

For some god forsaken reason Niall follows after me. "Hey, don't put that shit on me. Where are you going?"

"My office. I just told you I had a meeting." I bite.

I know that I'm being snappy with him and it's not even his fault but this entire day has me on edge.

This meeting has me on edge.

I've been waiting for this for a week now. Playing it out over and over again, rehearsing exactly what I wanted to say, what I needed to say. It was a constant loop inside my head but something was telling me that it wasn't going to go how I planned and that alone was pissing me off. Unfortunately for Niall he is just receiving the brunt of it.

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