•Chapter 33•

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Althea Cooper

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Althea Cooper

17th January 2022

"Can one of you please help me before I have a complete breakdown and cancel all together?" I groan as I flop backwards onto my bed that is covered from head to toe in clothes.

"I've already said you should wear the blue one!" Eden's voice echoes across the hallway from where she's hiding in the bathroom.

"No!" Hadley scolds. "I think you should wear the black one!" She says as she holds up the dress in question.

"Neither of you are any help! How am I supposed to make a decision when you two can't even agree!" I groan, rolling over so that my face is buried in the clothes. 

"Well, what colour is Harry wearing?" Eden shouts across the hallway.

"I've already told you he said blue but he didn't specify the shade or send me a pic of what it looks like so that's not really any help either." I whine.

"Okay. Okay. Why don't we start on your makeup and your hair and maybe that will help you to make a decision?" Hadley suggests as she tugs on my hands so that I'm standing upright with a groan.

"Actually that's not a bad idea." Eden adds from the doorway. "It might give you some unexpected inspiration."

"Okay. Good idea. Let's do that." I mutter as I flick my head around my bedroom in search of my makeup bag.

An hour later I'm finishing the last part of my makeup as Hadley finishes up placing the final curl into my auburn hair letting it flow in gentle waves down my back. For once when I look in the mirror I don't entirely hate the way that my makeup turned out. In fact, I think it kind of looks good. I think that's mostly down to the fact that I didn't feel like I was being rushed or stressed out because I had Eden and Hadley here to keep me calm and distract my slightly spiralling mind. The whole process of getting ready was actually fun for a change and I no longer feel a strong wave of anxiety rolling through my body unlike earlier.

Taking a final glance in the mirror I turn towards the two of them who are sitting on my bed chatting away. "I think I've decided what dress I'm going to wear."

This has both of their heads swinging in my direction, quite astonished at my decision making. I usually find it completely impossible to come to a decision on my own without stressing myself out to the point of tears so this is new to them. It's new to me but I just have a good feeling.


"Let's see."  They both speak simultaneously.

"Okay. Give me two minutes to put it on and I'll be back." And with that I disappear into the spare bedroom where we had laid out each possible dress option along the bed so that we didn't have to keep rooting through my wardrobe.

It doesn't take me long to find the dress I was looking for, quickly picking it up and smoothing it out to make sure that there are no creases in the soft material.

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