•Chapter 36•

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Althea Cooper

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Althea Cooper

1st February 2022

Knock. Knock. Knock.

I impatiently bang my knuckles against the wooden door of Harry's house. My foot is incessantly tapping into the floor as I anxiously wait for the door to spring open, hoping with everything in me that it isn't Harry that answers the door and ruins the surprise before it's even started.

I can barely see the frame in front of me due to the piles of tupperware boxes I have towered in my hands. If someone doesn't answer this door in the next thirty seconds I feel like my hands are going to fall off and we'll all be eating off of Harry's front porch, instead of his dining table.

Please don't be Harry. Please don't be Harry. Please don't be Harry.

The sound of the door being unlocked and opened has me trying to bend my neck around the boxes to see if the surprise is ruined but to no avail. My view is still completely blocked.

"Oh, hi?" A soft voice I don't recognise floats through the air and I swear I nearly drop the boxes out of sheer surprise. "Do you need some help?"

Did I get the wrong house? What was happening?

"Oh. Ummm. Yes, please." I stutter out, trying to get my thoughts in order before I fully start spiralling.

The owner of the voice carefully removes the first few boxes from my eyeline to reveal the person standing in front of me. A tall, brunette woman with beautiful olive skin stands in front of me with a glowing, albeit confused smile on her face and I swear in that moment my stomach drops to my shoes.

What the fuck is going on?

"Thank you for that. I honestly thought my arms were going to fall off." I nervously joke which she returns with a polite laugh.

"That's no problem. You must be Thea. I'm Capri." She introduces herself with a beaming smile, kicking the door open with her foot and gesturing for me to walk inside.

I reluctantly step into the house, my mind spiralling in an attempt to search anywhere in my brain for the name Capri. Nothing. I was coming up empty.

"Oh, Thea! Hey!" Everly's bright voice bounces through the hallway, immediately making my body relax. "I didn't hear you knock. I see you've met Capri." She smiles, not yet catching on to the fact that I have no idea who this beautiful, model like person is.

Slowly making my way towards the kitchen and placing the boxes on the counter I turn back towards Everly, quickly pulling her in for a hug. "Happy Birthday, E!" I excitedly squeal.

"Thank you." She whispers as she tightly squeezes my waist. "Why do you feel so tense?" She mutters under her breath, quickly releasing me from her grasp.

Everly takes a moment to take in my appearance and then quickly glances around the room and seemingly everything clicks into place once her eyes land on Capri, standing awkwardly against the kitchen counter with a cup of coffee tightly grasped in her hands.

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