•Chapter 39•

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A/N: If you guys ever listen to anything I say, please let it be this. Please, please, please play the song above when indicated in the chapter. I promise you it is worth it, well it is to me at least, anyway.

Thank you and I love you always, J<3

Thank you and I love you always, J<3

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Althea Cooper

18th February 2022

It's been a couple of weeks since the whole fiasco with Jamie and since then he's been radio silent, much to my dismay. The longer it goes without hearing any backlash from him, the more my stomach churns with uneasiness. However, that's not to say that life has been uneventful.

At the time I don't think any of us realised just how much that evening was going to affect us until it became blindingly obvious. For the first week after that night, Everly point blank refused to stay in her own apartment, often flicking between Harry and Niall's as a safety net. Despite the fact that she kept reassuring us that she didn't think Jamie was going to come anywhere near her, she needed the comfort of someone being around her twenty-four seven.

This was no skin off Harry's nose, in fact, he encouraged it. He didn't want to leave her alone either unless it couldn't be helped like when she had to go work.

I could tell that it was eating away at Harry too. For the last two weeks he has been uncharacteristically quiet. Concerningly quiet.

For the first week, he barely said a word. He was always around but he was never present and despite the fact that he was trying his best to hide it, I could tell that that storm cloud above his head was tormenting him.

He thought I wasn't aware but I know him and I knew that something inside of him was torturing him. He was torturing himself.

The first sign was the fact that he wasn't sleeping. Another thing he was dead set on trying to hide but that proves to be nearly impossible when you spend almost every night in the same bed. I would fall asleep before him every night, tucked up closely in his arms and when I woke again in the morning, he would already be wide awake. Granted sometimes he would try to hide it by pretending to be asleep but the patterns of his breathing as I lay against his chest was a dead give away.

The second sign was the distance. Like I said he was always around but hardly ever present. His mind always seemed to be elsewhere, constantly lost in a trail of thought a thousand miles away from where his body was. He was lost, I could tell, but what concerned me the most was that it didn't really seem like he was trying to find his way home. He was practically a shell of himself.

This all came to a precipice on friday night however, much to Harry's dismay. But things have finally been a little bit more normal since and for that I'm extremely thankful. I think he just needed it all to come crashing down before he could feel a sense of normality.

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