𝟖 | 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐝

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It's 4am. I have been writing this report non-stop from 1pm yesterday, with a quick 30 minute power nap in between but I was finally finished. I sent my document to the printer and saw that it would take approximately 10 minutes to print every page.

Since I was sitting down for such a long time, earlier I texted Angel Dust to ask if there are any showers in this place, and he said I should head towards the porn wing. Which I really wasn't excited about, because there is a certain pimp there that I'm pretty sure wants me dead. I stand up from my desk, stretching my legs, shoulders and neck and I quickly clean up all the empty energy drinks on my workspace. After a while the taste gets pretty addicting.

With a banging headache, my fingers feeling like they could fall off and my eyes begging to stay closed for longer than a blink, I started making my way towards the main hall. There I went through the big doors, with 'Porn Studios' on the top and tried to navigate through the halls how Angel Dust told me to do earlier. I found the way to the showers and relieved I stepped into one of the small rooms.

I let the water run and readied a bathrobe for when I'm finished, stepping into the shower, my sore body finally relaxing. I felt a lot better after a shower, more refreshed and awake, and clean... I suddenly heard footsteps outside the door.

"Who the fuck is using the showers at this hour." I heard a familiar voice stop right in front of the door, the pink jackass started knocking on it harshly.

I looked around for possible ways to escape, but there were no windows or others doors, so I accepted my fate, slipped on the bathrobe and opened the door. "What, asshole?" I look up at him, his eyes widening in surprise, but soon his expression turned into one of anger.

"It's you! The little bitch who thought she could just keep my whore away from me, the fuck are you doing here?"

"I work for your coworker now, pussy, so you better get used to me." I grabbed my clothes and started heading back the way I came from.

"Oh, not so fast." I heard him say and then push me so my head hit the wall, he locked my arms behind me and put a gun pointing towards my temple. "You think I would just let you walk off after you insult me to my face and disrespect me?" I groan as he pushes me more into the wall, I feel my cheek getting bruised from the contact with the wall. "I'm gonna fucking make you wish you were dead, whore." 

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Val." I feel the moth demon's body get pulled away from me but soon I feel Vox's hand on my shoulder, pulling me towards him again. "It seems every secretary in Hell is currently employed and this is the only one I could get my hands on, so I'm sorry but I can't let you kill her yet." 

Valentino opens his mouth to protest but he gets cut off by Vox teleporting us back to his office. I let out a breath of relief but tense up when I see that Vox is just looking down at me, standing still in front of me.

"Uh... I finished the report, and the new app design. I just thought it would be best to be clean at work so that's why I went down there... Sorry?" I looked up at him, but his eyes were no longer on me, they were on the floor to the left of me.

I followed his gaze and saw my trashcan that was now filled a couple empty cans of his empty drink. "So you do like it." He looked back at me.

"It grew on me a little." I chuckled nervously. "And I never said I didn't like it, I guess it was just something new I had to get used to." I shrugged.

After a moment of silence, him just staring at me and analyzing my face he walked towards his desk and sat down, typing something on his computer. Since it was 5am, I spent the rest of the hour I had looking over the document, to notice any mistakes and tweaking up the presentation I prepared for the new app. The app wasn't really something new, I just stole a trending app from when I was still alive, so it didn't cost too much effort.

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐑, 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 | husk x readerWhere stories live. Discover now