𝟏𝟏 | 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬

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Husk POV.

"Would you like to do it again?"

I looked up and she was eyeing her empty glass, spinning it around in her hand. I definitely expected her to tease me about what happened in the morning, but I did not expect this. Last night was one of the first nights where I didn't get constantly woken up by nightmares. I haven't slept that well in a long time.

"Are you inviting me to sleep with you?" I ask, taking more swigs of whiskey, not feeling drunk enough to have a conversation like this.

"Huh? No! What?" I figured she thought the same, because she instantly poured herself a glass of wine and took a long sip, blush covering her cheeks because of the inappropriate question I just asked. "Not like that! Just... I really liked waking up next to someone."

I raised my eyebrow and smiled. "I'm sure if you ask very nicely Alastor could conjure you up a sleeping buddy." I shrugged, watching her reactions.

"No! I, uh... I liked sleeping with you." She put her hands up in front of her face to hide her blush, I chuckled. "Whatever! Just forget this conversation ever happened." She downed the rest of her wine in one go, the bottle was empty.

She stood up to walk towards the bar and she walked out the door.

[Y.N] POV.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid." I whispered to myself as I walked towards the bar, the place was getting emptier but they were still open. I leaned against the bar and tried to fix my hair, in case it was messed up. "Can I get a shot of tequila?"

"And make that two." I heard some dude's voice next to me and felt his hand land on my waist, tugging me closer.

"The fuck." I pushed his hand off of me and took a step back, my back against the bar.

"I didn't mean to alarm you, sweetheart, I just want to make sure you get home safe." He smiled. "How come I haven't seen you, yet?"

"'Cause she was with me, asshole." Husk appeared behind the demon, grabbed his shoulder and threw him hard against a wall. He walked closer to me, and took one of the two tequila shots. "Are you alright?"

I nodded, taking the other shot. We clinked the glasses together and took the shot at the same time. He seemed unfazed, while I shivered a little from the bad taste.

"Let's get out of here before that guy tries something else." He took my hand and together we walked out of the bar, I looked down at his hand holding mine and felt my cheeks getting hotter.

We started walking down the street, both of us buzzed as shit, almost walking into poles. We laughed while trying to somehow support each other, his arm was around my shoulder and I had my hand on his lower back. We giggled all the way back, as one of us kept stumbling or just going completely off the sidewalk.

We pushed open the doors to the hotel and I tried shushing him, but we both started laughing uncontrollably after. We walked towards the bar and I look my hand off of him, and he did the same.

"That was fun, I hope you don't mind me crashing your gambling session." I giggled as I grabbed onto the bar for support, feeling woozy.

He shrugged. "I prefer your company over them, anyway." His eyes widened slightly, looking surprised at what he just said. "Uh... we better head to bed."

"Alright, I'll see you in the morning." I giggled and started carefully making my way up the stairs. I stopped when I heard footsteps following behind me though. I looked back and saw Husk following me, his eyes on me. My cheeks got hot again and I kept walking.

Maybe he's just going to his room.

I turned a corner and stood in front of my door, the cat demon still behind me. I took out my keys and unlocked the door, stepped inside and looked at him standing outside of my room.

"Are you coming in?" I asked, trying to hide my face behind the door, but I watched his reaction.

He looked as though he was in battle with himself mentally, two sides of him fighting over what the next choice he would make should be. Soon, he walked into my room, grabbing the door frame for support. I closed the door behind him, locking it and then looked around my room.

"I'm sorry for the mess... just, make yourself comfortable." I smiled, trying not to let the nervousness show.

This situation made me feel stone cold sober, nervous but excited. I sat by my vanity table to take off my makeup and in the mirror I watched him take off his hat and the straps of his pants, together with his bow-tie. I was done taking off my makeup and I turned around to see him laying on my bed with his back propped against the bed frame. Seeing him waiting for me made my face heat up again.

I walked towards my closet and turned my head around to look at him. "I'm going to change, so, don't look." He nodded and turned his head the other way. I quickly got undressed and then threw on some short pajamas to be comfortable.

Once I was done, I stepped into bed and layed down, waiting for him to join me. He lowered himself on the bed, so his head was also on the pillows and he was just looking at the ceiling, I did the same and just felt awkward. Isn't alcohol supposed to make you feel more confident?

"Can we..." I couldn't bring myself to finish the sentence, but Husk seemed to be waiting on it and immediately lifted his head up, getting closer to me.

His arms wrapped around my waist, bringing me closer towards his body, he was low enough to put his head on my chest, his face nestled in my neck. I put one of my arms under his head. I felt my heart skip a beat because of the nervousness, and I am very sure he heard it because he was lying right on it.

I put my hand up and started petting his head, closing my eyes. I felt him nuzzle his head deeper into my neck, his nose was already touching it. I heard him start to purr, his breath tickling my neck a little. Husk pulled me in closer with his arms, my body touching his and soon after I felt myself drift off.

"Goodnight, Husky." I said, yawning.

"Goodnight, [Y.N]."

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omg the new episodes are so funnnnn!!can't wait to rewatch them like 10 times lmao

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐑, 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 | husk x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon