𝟏𝟐 | 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭

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I was woken up by my phone buzzing erratically, I groaned and with closed eyes I reached over to my nightstand, and grabbed it. When I turned it on, I was flashed by the bright light of the screen and had to take a moment to adjust.

As the cat demon was still snuggled up to me, I started petting his head, and with my other hand I looked at the million messages I was receiving from someone named 'Stella'.

"Who the fuck..." And suddenly it hit me.

Reading the messages 'Where you at bitch? I died!', and 'I know you're in here, whore' I put my phone away and took a deep breath.

It was one of my coworkers from back when I was alive, her stage name was Stella and she was just the worst out of all. She had the body and the moves, yes, but her personality was just so rotten. She's an attention seeking, whining, dumb blonde. And now she's going to bug me for eternity. "Doesn't she have better shit to do?" I sighed.

This phone doesn't really have a 'block' option so I would need to get a new one to stop her from texting, but, she did find my number somehow so I don't know if that would do much.

I heard Husk groan as he shifted a little above me, waking up. "What the fuck?" His ears went down and he lifted his head up to look at me, and he was very close to me.

We locked eyes immediately, his face just an inch or two away from mine. I expected him to move away but he stayed like that, close. "Vox texting you on a free day?" He put his chin back on my chest, still facing me.

"No, it's this girl I used to know back when I was alive, but she's just the worst." I brought my hand up to pet him again.

This moment of us just having regular conversation, looking into each others eyes felt comfortable, but also intimate. I giggled, to ease the rising tension and stopped petting him to grab my phone, his face showing some disappointment.

She was still spamming my inbox, 'I saw you read my messages!'.

"Just ignore her, she'll stop at some point." With his arms still wrapped around my waist, he tightened them and laid back down on my chest, lazily yawning. I felt my cheeks heat up, this guy is surprisingly cuddly.

Suddenly I heard a knock at my door, and both me and Husk jumped because of the sound. "Hey, [Y.N], someone is here to see you!" We heard the voice of Charlie and Husk looked at me.

I whispered. "You need to hide." And Husk quickly nodded, getting up from the bed, quickly looking around the room.

I opened the door of my closet and started waving him over. He picked up his bow-tie and the straps to his pants, running over but stumbling over a pile of clothes on the ground and he fell, with a loud thud sound. I covered my mouth quickly to not laugh and Charlie spoke outside the door again. "Is everything alright?"

"Come on!" I whisper yelled as he got up, cursing under his breath and walked into my closet. I closed it and went towards the door, opening it. "Hi, Charlie." I smiled.

"Oh, hi! So, this girl-"

"Oh my God, [Y.N] it's so good to see you again girl!" From out of frame a long haired, blond girl appeared and she threw herself at me, hugging me tightly.

"Stella." I patted her on the back, unamused. "Great." She let me go and immediately walked into my room.

"God, it's such a mess in here. Aren't you a lady? Oooh, what is this? A suit? What are you, a lawyer?" She laughed and took a seat at my vanity table, eyeing all the products I own.

Charlie walked in after her with a kind smile, I pulled a seat for her to also be able to sit down, as I sat on my bed facing them. Stella turned around after a while and looked at me. "So, why are you dead?" I asked.

"Oh, you know, after your death everybody started talking about you so much and... Well, I was just sooo depressed, offed myself." She giggled. "In the club! I always thought after death you turn into a ghost." She shrugged.

She went so far to get attention, that she even killed herself because I took the spotlight. What a fucking baby. Charlie started speaking.

"And, she just showed up at the hotel asking for you, so I asked her if she wants to be a guest... And she said yes!" She said excited.


"Yes, bitch! We're going to be living together! Did you know this place has free housing?" She smiled and then went on to talk about how they put my picture up at the club, and talking about some other stories, but through all these years I learned how to just turn her voice off.

I looked at Charlie, and she was staring at something behind me, squinting her eyes. "Isn't that..." She stopped her sentence and her eyes widened a little.

I looked behind me at the place she was looking at and saw Husk's hat on my nightstand. My eyes widened and I looked back at Charlie, smiling nervously. Stella noticed that nobody was paying attention to her so she stood up and walked towards my night stand.

"Awhh, [Y.N], I didn't know you wanted to be a magician when you grew up!" She took the hat and put it on her head, which made me very angry for some reason.

She started laughing and pretending to do a magic trick, saying "Is this your card?" and then falling into laughter again. I walked towards her and snatched the hat off, putting it carefully back on my nightstand.

"I think I need to clean my room guys, sorry to have to throw you out. Ha ha." I pushed Stella towards the door harshly, opening it and pushing her out of my room, Charlie followed after her, quiet and deep in her thoughts. "See you at the workshop!" I closed the door and locked it.

Husk got out of the closet, looking at my nightstand where his hat was.

"Fuck." We said at the same time.


sorry for not uploading a 2nd chapter yesterday like i usually do
i went out to a bar with my friend lol

thank you for voting on the story guys it makes me really happy :)

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐑, 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 | husk x readerWhere stories live. Discover now