𝟏𝟒 | 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞

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The happiness I felt about Stella being gone didn't last long, as I was now tasked with a pure suicide mission. After the deal, Alastor said that I need to be the one to do it and that the fire needs to be fatal. 

I was ready to say goodbye to my job. There was no way I will get away with starting a fire in the VoxTek building without getting caught, that flat screen tv psycho has cameras facing every single nook and cranny in this building. And if someone wouldn't notice me starting a fire then one of his cameras certainly would. There was no safe space, this creep also has cameras in the bathroom.

In order to help myself out I tried to find some sort of demonic item that could help me stay hidden, like an invisibility cloak or something of the sort, you know, Harry Potter style. But the closest thing I could find was this creepy potion that cost a fortune, and I couldn't afford spending my last paycheck on this.

I mean, we're talking about an overlord here, an overlord that everyone knows. And the overlord of media and technology, people would find out about this in an instant, and it would definitely make the headlines.

So I thought, since it's going to be a huge deal, I might as well go all in. I created a plan.

Instead of trying to hide the fact that I started a fire, I thought it would be best to pretend it was all an accident, and not get chased down and killed but... get fired and then not be able to get employed by anyone else.

I was going to wait until Vox had to step out of his office to go to a meeting today, since it was a private meeting and he can't watch the security cam footage then, and I was going to task as many departments as I can with working on the new product that he came up with. That way everybody is distracted while I accidentally spill some oil on the wires that connect to all the screens in Vox's office and sneakily light a match, that will put everything on fire under seconds.

And so I did, sending instructions to every department and making sure the hall was clear, while I took the bucket of oil that Vox uses to... I don't wanna know. And I took a stroll behind his desk, the acting classes I took back when I was 10 finally coming to good use as I fake trip over a cable and watch the oil spread.

"Oh shit." I say to myself and grab some paper towels from the closet close by, getting on my knees and pretending to clean it up. I make sure I'm blocking the view of the cameras as I light a match and throw it at the oil which immediately catches on fire.

I take a step back from the sudden heat and then run out to the hallway, yelling for help, but not too loud of course.

"Somebody! Please! There's a fire!" I look back at the office which is quickly getting destroyed because of the flames, the tv's catching on fire quicker than I thought it would take.

After hysterically yelling for help, I start running down and knocking on the different departments doors. Telling them that there is a fire and that they should put it out, but they valued their life more than fighting wild, electrical flames. Soon the entire side of VoxTek was outside of the building, or I hope it was everybody, since if it wasn't they were probably burning alive. Electronics are apparantly, very highly flammable, and the material used to make them here was probably... a very easily flammable one too.

Everyone was watching the fire and soon, in front of the whole crowd, in a huge blue smoke appeared Vox, Valentino and this one girl I have not seen before. Vox stood still watching the fire as Valentino spread his wings, pink smoke travelling through the fire.

I felt a hand harshly grab my shoulder and that quickly made me realize that Vox wasn't standing in front of the crowd anymore, but right behind me. I turned around to face him.

"I am so incredibly sorry, Vox, this is all my fault! I accidentally spilled some oil and then-"

"You're fired." He responded, his voice extremely deep to the point where it scared me a little.

I opened my mouth and put my hand up to protest, but looked down and nodded, instead. I started walking to the direction of the hotel and a lot of mixed thoughts filled my head.

Should I really be happy about this? Like Vox said, I'm probably not going to get employed ever again, and Hell does offer a very unpleasant eternity, especially if you don't have money. At the same time, this job did cost me a lot of stress just on the first week of being there. But on the contrary, the pay was worth it.

I reached the hotel doors and after walking in I found solace at the bar, the cat bartender looking at me curiously.

"You look like you need something stronger than wine." He said, leaning on the bar, raising an eyebrow.

"Got fired." I sighed, taking off my jacket.

He chuckled. "You win some, you lose some, right?" I watched him pour vodka into a shot glass and place it in front of me. To which I took it and downed it in one gulp, slamming the glass on the table.

"I'm not going to get employed ever again." He refilled my glass, listening. "How am I going to survive here without money? Am I actually going to need to try and get into heaven?" I downed another shot, shaking my head because of the foul taste. "Am I just going to be stuck in this hotel for all of eternity now?"

"Look at the bright side! You don't have to work under some guy who thinks he's hot shit, you can sleep in every day and you just lost your main source of stress." He put my shot glass away, not refilling it anymore and I looked at him a little sad, wanting to drink my problems away.

I sighed, nodding slowly. "Maybe you're right, I was kind of happy watching that fire..." I chuckled to myself and watched him smile, sharing my sentiment.

A comfortable silence settled between us. I gazed across the lobby, thoughts of how my life is going to look like now filling my head, while he cleaned some glasses, I felt his gaze on me. I looked back to see if he wanted to say something but he looked away, averting my eyes. Figuring that it must have been nothing, I took my phone out and pressed on a news article that popped out about the fire at the VoxTek building, thinking if I should read it or not.

Soon after, his scruffy voice cut through the quiet.

"So... does this mean you're free tomorrow?"


i'm so happy you guys are enjoying the story aaaaaaaaa

double chapter today! 

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐑, 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 | husk x readerWhere stories live. Discover now