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Short but... you'll see. Also, I'm working on a couple big chapters so you'll have to excuse the shorter chapter/s for a bit I'm afraid

Crowley drove down to Aziraphales book shop, putting on a smile and greeting Aziraphale with a hug "angel! How are you!" He said brightly and sat on an armchair.

"Oh I'm very well! D'you know I think this summer is going to be one of the best I've had in the last century!" He exclaimed and made himself a cup of tea.

Crowley hummed to himself and sunk into the chair. "Oh? Why's that Angel?" He asked and watched as Aziraphale delicately sipped the tea, memorising the shape of the cup, the scent of the sweet liquid. "Aziraphale what's goin on this summer?" He asked again, drawing the Angel out of his thoughts.

Aziraphale bounced up, set his tea down and ran to get a letter. "There's a convention going on in Athens, Greece, and I was personally invited, mainly becuse this place is very very old." He said excitedly and showed Crowley the letter written in elegant script. He was bouncing around like a child on sugar and already seemed to have some things packed in his case. "It's only like four days but I was thinking I might stay a little longer, a month or two perhaps."

Crowleys eyes widened from behind his glasses and he shook it off quickly. "That sounds lovely, and when you get back all of this will be waiting for you, London, your bookstore, these books." He said and azirapahle nodded excitedly. The Angel quickly ran off and started packing a few more things, excited about his trip to Athens.

Crowley helped him pack and even drove the Angel to the airport a few weeks later. "Remember to send me a letter Angel..." Crowley said and aziraphle nodded and rushed off to his gate.

The months pass and Aziraphale sends Crowley a letter every single week, telling Crowley everything that happened in the week and he decided he was going to come home a few days early to surprise Crowley.

He snuck into the demons apartment and expected to see him moping on the sofa but he wasn't there. there was a gleaming white envelope on the table, topped by crowelys glasses. Something felt wrong so he rushed to open it. Inside was a folded letter and a vhs that said 'play me.'

Aziraphale put the vhs into crowelys tv and vhs player and sat back on the couch to watch, holding the folded page in hos hands curiously.

The screen whirred to life and Crowley was there, pale and shaky. "Hey Aziraphale... uhm... go ahead and open that letter for me..." crowleys voice said and he smiled, holding up the same white page that was now in Aziraphales hands. "I don't know when you plan to come home... but I do know that I likely won't be here when you do." Crowley said and unfolded the letter on the screen, azirapahle copying him curiously.

"Azirapahle, I'm so sorry I never told you. But what he'll said was right. I have gone 'native...'. Demons have bad luck and it just so happens that my bad luck came in the form of a terminal illness..." Crowley said, his voice starting to break but he held it back. Aziraphles hand covered his mouth and he started crying, quickly understanding what this was.

Crowley smiled on the screen, soft and sweet. "Please don't cry my angel. I've known this was coming for a long time..." he said, opening a drawer on the coffee table and getting out a box of tissues, placing them on the table infront of him.

"B-but you-" Aziraphale stuttered and went to find the tissues in the coffee table drawer.

Crowley waited for a moment before opening the page again and continuing to read from it. "I wish I had more time. And I know that sounds crazy when you consider we were at the start of creation... but there are so many things that I never got to do or say to you." Tears fell onto the page and started smudging the ink, the stains still visible to Aziraphale. "If... id you come back and through some celestial miracle I'm still alive then come find me at the hospital down the street. St barts. I'll be waiting... and if you didn't make it back in time... it wasn't your fault... if you- if I don't make it. Go to the hospital and ask for dorabella, she's my nurse... she reads your letters to me whenever they arrive. I'm glad you had such a good time in Athens." He cried and more tears hit the paper, Aziraphales now creating new stains on the ink.

"I'm on my way... in one way or another..." aziraphale whispered and quickly got a cab down to the hospital, running to the front desk so as to not waste anymore time. "Please- is my friend- Anthony- Anthony Crowley here? Please..." he cried and panted, hoping he got here in time.

The nurse behind the desk smiled and stood up, silently offering him a hand. "You must be Mr Fell? The one who sends him letters from Greece... he's been waiting for you." The nurse, dorabella, said. Aziraphale gasped and got led to a private room in the ICU. Crowley was lying in a bed, weak and hooked up to loads of monitors. "I- I'll give you two some time..." she slowly backed out and shut the door.

Aziraphale rushed to Crowleys bedside and cupped the demons cheek. Crowley cracked his eyes open and they filled with tears. "Crowley..." aziraphale whispered, tears brimming in his own eyes.

"An-gel..." Crowley rasped out, his throat dry and his lips cracking. "You... you made it..." he whispered, slowly reaching a hand up to wipe the tears off Aziraphales face.

Aziraphale smiled through the tears and nodded. "I came... of course I would..." he sniffled and wiped his face on his sleeve.

"A-Angel... if I don't get the chance to-"

"Don't say that. You'll be okay..."

"Still... if I don't get the chance to say this ever again... I love you." Crowley whispered and his hand fell back down to the bed, his monitor beeping insistently as his face was tracked with tears.

Aziraphale hugged him tight and ran a hand through crowleys hair. "I love you too. So much..."

There was a moment of silence, only filled by the breathing of the two before Crowley smiled and kissed Aziraphale, his body going limp, his eyes closing and a deep exhale leaving his lips.

Aziraphale looked at him, a soft smile and utter peace in his expression before the monitors started flatlining, indicating his death. Aziraphale cried and tried using copious miracles to bring him back, not a single one worked and he held crowleys body, crying into his shoulder.

After atleast 30 minutes dorabella slipped into the room and turned the monitors off. "Mr fell?" She asked, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Mr fell... if it's not too much to ask... what were the last words he heard? The last thing he did?"

Aziraphale shook his head agasint crowleys body, tears still streaming down his face. "He... the last thing he heard was me saying I loved him and... and- he... he kissed me..." Aziraphale explained,

dorabella smiled and handed Aziraphale an envelope marked '#1.' "He asked me to give that to you if he said he loved you... and based on the expression on his face I'd say he passed away happy..." she said softly and Aziraphale nodded, straightening himself back out. He cast one more look to Crowley before dorabella covered him with a sheet and he walked out and straight to the flat, mulling over what exactly would be in this envelope.

He opened it, he found three things. A necklace with a key to the Bentley and a dark black feather as well as another vhs.

He listened to it and sobbed, seeing and hearing the man who had just died in his arms profess his love yet again and apologise, and tell azirapahle how perfect he was and that he would always be watching from the stars.

"I love you Aziraphale. Listen to this tape as many times as you like, I promise I'll always be on it." Crowley said and 'good old fashioned lover boy' started playing in the back while Crowley drew or wrote or cooked, just being... alive. On the screen.

"I love you too you wily old serpent"

"I know..." Crowley said out of nowhere on the tape. But it was just that. A tape recording. Right...?

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