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The door was pulled shut in an instant, both Angel and demon panting heavily, leaning agaisnt either wall of the tiny closet they ran into.

"You okay?" Crowley asked Aziraphale, leaning his head back agaisnt the wall and shutting his eyes, trying to be quiet as the people hunting them both stormed past the cuboard.

"Mhm... oooh wow okay this is small. Aziraphale said, his voice waivering slightly catching crowleys attention as he looked down at the tiny space surrounding them. "I- crowely I'm scared..." he whispered as his breathing got faster and shallower, his chest tightening uncomfortably.

Crowley looked straight into and almost through Aziraphale "I know... but I need you to stay calm for me okay? Just breathe with me Aziraphale... in... hold... out..." Crowley guided and held Aziraphales hands, rubbing his thumbs over the back as he slowly went through the breaths more with Aziraphale. "There we go..." it should be safe enough for us to-... shiiit." He groaned and tried the doorknob again, the closet was locked.

Aziraphale tried the door himself a few times and it wouldn't budge even under a slam of the shoulder to dislodge it, or miracles. Not even miracles were working. "The doors locked. The door is locked Crowley!" Aziraphale exclaimed and pulled his hair out of frustration and stress.

"Woah woah Angel! Don't hurt yourself! It's okay, we can stay here until Maggie comes in the morning and opens up." Crowley assured and moved a couple things, giving the two just a single step of more space, hardly anything really.

Aziraphale dropped his hands and huffed. "This is ridiculous! Why am I even trusting you Crowley!" Aziraphale exclaimed and hit the wall frustratedly.

"Becuse we are fríe-"

"Friends?? We're not friends! I am an ángel you are a demon! We're enemies!"

"Enemies...?" Crowley whispered, his voice cracking slightly and he wiped his eyes beneath his glasses.

Aziraphale looked up at him sternly and Crowley sighed. "Hereditary enemies!" He exclaimed, leaning against the back wall with his arms crossed. Crowley scoffed and leant against the opposite wall. "Your so- mmmm. You got us trapped here Crowley." Aziraphale hissed. He was annoyed and wasn't communicating that very well.

"It's not my fault! I was saving you from people trying to kill us both!" Crowley spat and started pacing in the small space that he had to do so. Crowley tangled his hand in his hair as he thought, almost running into the walls. "Hold on why are you angry at me?! I saved your life!"

Aziraphale glared at Crowley and then looked away. "You got us trapped." He said simply and jiggled the doorknob as a final point

"Excuse you. I got us ALIVE" Crowley said with more volume than truly necessary and he kicked the edge of the skirting board, the word cracking audibly under the force. "So- so what we just stand here for twelve hours? There's not enough room for us both to sit down and too much time for us both to stay srood." He mumbled, checking his watch and the space around them. Crowley tied his hair back in a half up half down bun so it stopped getting in his face as much while he thought.

Aziraphale looked around the space, with Crowley moving around he was pressed againt the wall to avoid being hit while the demon paced, certainly wasn't enough space for them both to sit down beside eachother without touching, or beside eachother at all. "What if you sat-"

"If your seriously about to propose I sit on your lap I will kill you. It should be the other way round." Crowley added at the end without much thinking. He froze and slowly sunk down agaisnt the back wall, beckoning Aziraphale to sit down aswell. "Cmon Angel, it's not like we have another option." He muttered quickly and sighed a little.

Aziraphale hesitated but sat facing Crowley on his lap and did his best to make sure Crowley was comfortable. Old habits die hard. They sat in silence for a while, Aziraphale studying crowleys face, his eyes tracing the outline of the demons glasses. "I've never noticed your freckles before... they're cute..." Aziraphale whispered and Crowley shrugged before doing a double take and full staring at Aziraphale from behind his shades.

"You- I- I thought you hated me!" Crowley exclaimed and Aziraphale looked upset. "Ángel your giving me really mixed signals here. Please talk to me." Crowley bid him gently, even if they were enemies he did need communication, quite desperately needed it in this instance

Aziraphale looked to the floor instead of at Crowley. He couldn't, wouldn't look Crowley in the eye at all. "I thought I was meant to hate you... like I said, Angel, demon, hereditary enemies... but the thing is I can't. I can't hate you Crowley and I don't know why. I put on an act and it clearly works but it's just that, an act!" He explained, wiping his eyes with the edge of his sleeve. Crowley gently lifted Aziraphales chin and looked at him, rubbing away tears with a thumb. "Now is proably a bad time to tell you that I really like your cologne..." aziraphle joked

Crowley chuckled and produced a bottle of the cologne from his pocket, vanilla and sandalwood, Dior, Aziraphale smiled and read the label carefully. Crowley pocketed the cologne as soon as Aziraphale was done reading it and leant his head agaisnt the wall. "You don't have to hate me... I've always prefered shades of grey" he smirked and got a laugh out of Aziraphale.

"Only very light shades of grey"

"I've always prefered a very very dark grey"

Both men smiled at eachother and Crowley ran a hand through his hair. "You okay Crowley?" Aziraphale asked, seeing the reserved body languge and slight flitting of crowleys eyes.

"It's just dark in here. My night vision is normally incredible but my glasses are blocking that." The demon sighed and adjusted the aforementioned glasses on his nose.

Aziraphale quickly plucked them off his face, folded them and sat them on a shelf. "There's a way to- holy lord.... Your eyes are stunning..." Aziraphale whispered and Crowley blushed. The Angel yawned and rubbed his eyes. "Wow I'm tired... sucks that there's nowhere for me to sleep." He murmured to himself and got pulled agaisnt crowleys chest.

"You can sleep. I promise I won't mention this again when we are out, but your exhausted." Crowley whispered and rubbed Aziraphales back. The Angel hummed and wrapped his arms around Crowley, shivering slightly but ignoring it "cold are you?" Aziraphale nodded into the side of crowleys neck, embarrassed but the exhaustion was catching up to him quickly.

He felt something wrap around him and looked up long enough to see crowleys wings encompassing him. "You- I didn't take you for a cuddler?" Aziraphale hummed, settling himself back into a comfortable spot on Crowley.

"Not a word Angel. Agreed?" Crowley asked and got a sleepy nod in response. He rubbed Aziraphales back until he fell asleep and with one final glance at the sleeping Angel Crowley let his own exhaustion claim him.

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