ice bucket challenge

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it was winter, biting winds and bone numbing frost, white skies and warm winter coats. it was also a season that crowley disliked for the simple fact of it was far too cold for him. one of the very few things he disliked about being part snake was that the cold was too cold for him to be outside. he had managed to convince aziraphale to et him stay in the spare room, the bookshop was always much warmer than crowleys stone apartment complex, plus aziraphale seemed to enjoy having a shop-mate so it really didnt bother him when crowley requested being able to stay the winter at the bookshop.

even with the heating on and the fireplace going crowley would still be in heavy weight or chunky knit jumpers, thick sweatpants and sometimes even a scarf. "crowley is it still too cold? i thought you wouldve warmed up by now?" aziraphale asked one day. seeing crowley with a different jumper and a scarf around his neck

"im a snake aziraphale, i cant regulate my body temperature, but no im going outside for a moment and dont plan on freezing" he added at the end, pulling on a hat, gloves and his shoes. azirapahle eyed him suspiciously and even more so at the bucket of water he was carrying.

Crowley poured the water on the pavement outside and rushed back in shivering. Aziraphale looked at him dubiously and Crowley say by the big bay window in glee and watched for a few hours as his water puddle froze into black ice.

"Dear me. This'll hurt people!" Aziraphale exclaimed and Crowley waved him off, watching his first victim start walking on the pavement. As soon as her foot touched the ice she slipped in the most comical way and Crowley burst out laughing. "Is she okay?"

Crowley turned to him, joy shining in his yellow eyes, "she's fiiinneee nobody will get hurt badly, demons honour." He said and held his hand over his heart. For the next few hours he watched people fall over and eventually Aziraphale joined in.

The men made the window into a little nook with blankets, pillows and an abundance of hot cocoa, set with kettle as well. "Ooh Aziraphale look!" Crowley said and leaned in closer. Aziraphale looked just in time to see a young lady trip and spill her coffee all over her and just lie there in defeat. "That's a 7 at the very least." He laughed and Aziraphale giggled.

Theh laughed every time someone tripped but oh lord was it funny when someone tripped with coffee. They died laughing when someone broke their phone and Aziraphales held up a score card "SEVVEEEEENNN" he boomed and Crowley laughed.

From that day on it became tradition. Every year, every day of every winter to sit in the big bay window and score people falling on crowleys icy trap.

Hope you liked this, sorry it's so short. I've been very busy

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