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It was quiet, serene. Crowley and Aziraphale were laying on a blanket ontop of a grassy hill, having just had a picnic for dinner. Aziraphale was watching the stars and pointing out all the constellations in the sky.

"Oh look! There's alpha centurai!" He exclaimed and pointed to a star in the sky. Crowley hummed and held Aziraphales free hand. "Aren't the stars just beautiful Crowley, simply beautiful!"

Crowley nodded and wiped a tear off his face. "Y'know... I remeber creating them, the day I met you. 'Let there be light...'." he said and wiped another tear from his cheek.

"Look! Look! A shooting star!" Aziraphale exclaimed and pointed at what was apparently a shooting star. Crowley hummed and fiddled with the edge of his shirt.

He sat up and looked at Aziraphale. "What do they look like? The stars I mean..." he said hesitantly and Aziraphale tilted his head. Crowley looked up at the muddled black-ish blue-ish grey sky and the moon. But it was just a flat blanket of that grey colour.

Aziraphale looked up at all of the twinkling white dots, the invisible lines that humans had made and called 'constellations', all of the colours and nebula that he couldn't see from this far away but knew where they would be. "What do you mean Crowley?" The Angel asked, sitting up and giving Crowley his attention.

"Snakes can't see stars angel. Something to do with the eyes. We just can't see them." Crowley took off his glasses and looked at Aziraphale, the yellow slit eyes glowing slightly in the dim light.

Aziraphale looked utterly heartbroken and hugged Crowley "oh my god. You haven't seen the stars since you made them have you..." Crowley shook his head agaisnt Aziraphales neck and sighed. The Angel pulled Crowley back to laying down, the demons head on his chest. "Well, from here, millions of miles away they are like glimmering white dots, and shooting stars are meteors that fly across the sky, leaving a big white streak behind them. They are so far away and so bright that you can't really see the exact edge, or sometimes can't even see the star with your eyes." Aziraphale explained and Crowley smiled. Even if he couldn't see them, he knew what they were, hells fire, he created the stars. The Angel went on to explain what constellations looked like, drawing them out on crowleys back with his finger.

The couple regularly went stargazing and Aziraphale explained what it looked like every day that it had changed, drawing out new constellations he hadn't seen the previous week.

There was a full month however that Angel nor demon saw eachother at night, never saw eachother past dark at all. Aziraphale was gone.

Crowley tried and tried but there were no good pictures of the stars online, or in books. He spent most nights staring out of his window, up into the sky, hoping agaisnt hope that they would just miraculously appear.

Around two months after Aziraphale vanished at night there was a soft tap on crowleys door. He answered it and saw Aziraphale stood there with a picnic basket and trying to wipe something off his cheek.

"Angel!" Crowely exclaimed and hugged him, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Aziraphale chuckled and hugged Crowley, offering him an arm "oooh secretive little Angel tonight" Crowley teased.

Aziraphale led him to the hill in the clearing of a forest. "I'm sorry I've been occupied and couldn't bring you out here to stargaze dear, but I was crafting you something" aziraphale said, in the centre of the hill, just off the edge of their usual blanket stood an easel, with a canvas.

Crowley walked over to see a stunning oil painting. Of the hill, the trees... the stars... he stood there for a while, just staring at it, taking in every tiny brush stroke, any minute details.

Aziraphale stood next to him positively beaming. Crowley looked at Aziraphale and then the painting and then up at the sky. Aziraphale nodded silently and crowley kept looking between the sky and the painting. When crowley looked over again, confirming this was real Aziraphale nodded, still smiling.

Crowley threw his arms around Aziraphale and spun him in a circle. "Thank you" crowley whispered, starting to cry. "Thank you Aziraphale. So much" he sniffled through a smile.

"No need to thank me, you did the hard part" aziraphale teased and crowley glanced at the painting again. Before Aziraphale knew what was happening crowley wrapped one arm around his waist, the other cradling the back of his head and kissed him.

Crowley kissed him so well his knees went weak. When the kiss broke crowley still held him, rested their foreheads together as they caught their breath.

"I love you Angel..."

"I love you too crowley."

God was smiling down on them, watching (for the most part), it was time to do something risky. And there's no telling how it would go. She snapped her fingers and watched it play out.

"Hey crowley, did you put contacts in? Your eyes are brown? It's a pretty brown, like... caramel and hazelnut" aziraphale hummed, looking into crowleys eyes adoringly.

Crowley rubbed his eyes and looked at Aziraphale. "Still the wrong colour?" Aziraphale nodded. "No I haven't got contacts or miracles up? It'll probably go away in a bit, let's have a lie down." He said and kissed Aziraphale again.

God laughed to herself from where she was watching and sent a little puff of light down. "Rapheal. Look up" she said warmly.

Crowley jumped and spun Aziraphale behind him to protect the Angel. But as soon as Aziraphale wasn't in his eyeshot he saw little white dots. "Look... u... oh my...." He whispered and looked at the sky.

Aziraphale looked at him concerned but looked up, seeing nothing out of the usual. "Crowley?"

"Stars... Angel. The stars..." he whispered, tearing up. Aziraphale hugged him, assuming he was upset. "No. No I can see them..." he said, crying through a smile.

Aziraphale looked up and caught sight of the little puff of light darting away not to be seen. "You... you know how people say gods always watching?" Crowley nodded but couldn't take his eyes off the sky. "In this case. I think she is." He hummed and sat Crowley down, running his fingers through crowleys hair and pointing out constellations.

"Mum?" Crowley looked about and saw the puff. "Thank you mum, I know you can't do this forever. Thank you." He whispered, tears rolling down his face again.

The puff waivered in light and got closer, "running out of time raphy... I'm sorry..." she spoke, right infront of him.

He hugged the light puff and smiled, he got to see his stars if only for a few minutes, he couldn't be happier. "Thank you mum..." he whispered agaisnt the puff as it disappeared, along with the stars.

Crowley looked at the painting, still on the verge of crying. It couldn't be more perfect. It was exactly how the stars looked. He tilted his head back to look at Aziraphale, his yellow eyes now firmly back in place.

"Aw Crowley... don't cry... I'm here" aziraphale hissed his forhead and laid crowleys head in his lap. He started to describe the stars that night, what constellations were out, if you could see a planet or not ect ect, until Crowley fell asleep. Aziraphale laid next to him and covered them both with his wings.

"Goodnight mon demón"

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