Im sorry.

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"Please don't do this" Crowley whispered his voice watery and breaking. It hurt him. To see things this way. Without a choice. Trapped by... by orders and bosses and institutions of toxic power.

Crowley could could feel the scorching heat, the flames from aziraphales sword licking his skin, slowly burning him, the sword was that close. What was worse was he could feel Aziraphales hand wrapped around his throat, and he was holding Crowley in place, on his knees. "I have to"

"that's why I'm not fighting you"

The angel slashed his sword down the side of crowleys face, causing a big gash he looked at Crowley's eyes, full of tears. "I'm sorry" aziraphale whispered. He repositioned himself to take another strike and Crowley didn't move, didn't flinch. He just sat there. On his knees.

He looked up at Aziraphale, the deep cut across his cheek dripping blood onto his trousers and arms as it fell off the curve of his chin, a few, slightly shimmering tears fell down one side of crowleys face.

"Do it." Crowley said calmly. Aziraphale swings his sword hard onto crowleys arm, hitting bone. Crowley just smiled, didn't make a single sound of pain or protest, the only indicator that he was in pain were the tears steadily rolling down his face.

Aziraphale changed position again and took another and then another hit. "I- Crowley I'm sorry but I have no choice..." he whispered, crying himself, his white robe splattered in the deep red blood of his boyfriend.

Crowley smiled at him, reassuring and soft, he wiped the tears off his face with the one hand he could use and sat there, still not moving away from the oncoming swings, harsh stabs or slices and deep deep burns. "I know. You have orders. I won't fight back. I promise. It's okay." He said, forcing his voice to sound more confident and less crackly and awful when he spoke.

Aziraphle hismelf flinched at the next blow he took. He could tell it was bad and felt awful. "Crowley.... Crowely I can't..." Crowley sighed and held Aziraphales hands in one of his own. "Crowley... don't..." he whispered, his hands shaking and starting to go weak.

"Aziraphale. I know your orders... it's okay... I... I forgive you." Crowleys voice cracked and he slowly guided aziraphales hands to where he needed to make another swing. "Angel. You not doing anything bad. Your going everything right. Now please... finish your orders... and-" the hit of the blade cut off his sentence and he just relaxed and smiled, tears slowly beading in his eyes.

Gabriel knocked on the cell door, Aziraphale panicked and Crowley very quietly soothed him. "Aziraphaleeee can I come in?" Gabriel called and Aziraphale panicked again.

"Just- just a moment!" He replied and looked to crowley. Yes he was badly injured but he looked compliant, knelt on the floor, hands in his lap. The demon rolled his eyes and shuffled into the back corner, flopped there like he just fell over. "Come- uhm! Come in?" Aziraphale said and rubbed the tears off his face. 

Gabriel walked an with a huge smile. "Ah now isn't that just a sight to see." He smiled a Crowley moved, causing him to hiss in pain. "Well Aziraphale. Now you know what happens if you even dare to try form an attachment to a demon." He said and Aziraphale nodded, stern and shifting his grip on the sword. He gestured for Aziraphale to continue but made no move to leave the room.

With his back turned to Gabriel he gave Crowley the most apologetic, sorrowful look he'd ever seen and while Gabriel wasn't paying attention Crowley smiled and nodded at Aziraphale.

Aziraphale moved forward to slice crowely again and crowleys hand touched his chest.

The Angel shot up, a heavy arm falling off of him and sheets and blankets pooling in his lap... sheets. He was in crowleys apartment. In bed with Crowley. He shook his head. He remembered, he and Crowley had just gone to bed after a lovely dinner date at the ritz.

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