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Part two of 'Comic sans'

"Crowley dear... how do you know quite so much about astrology?" Aziraphale asked, flittering through a journal that crowley had handed him, written about the stars, space, planets... he looked up to crowley sat on a sofa slowly drinking some wine. aziraphale was sat on the ground, surrounded by books about the stars that crowley had handed him

crowley sighed and mumbled something under his breath. luckily for him the angel on the floor didnt catch what was being said so he didnt think to ask about it. "uhm... so- funny story.... i actually wrote all the books... not just the journal..." crowley said with a slight laugh as aziraphale finally recognised the cursive letters at the bottom on the book spines. "i didnt wanna... forget again..." crowley said, choosing his words carefully.

aziraphale looked up at him much like a confused puppy would look up at their owners. "forget my dear? what could you possibly forget?" aziraphale asked and shut the journal. crowley cursed under his breath at his own stupidity and shook his head, sipping his wine. aziraphale turned round so he was sat facing and looking up at the demon "crowley please... explain im lost and your just giving me more questions than you are answers..." he pleaded, scooting closer to the edge of the sofa. crowley sighed again and hissed something to himself as he refilled his glass.

"i- ill explain later... i promise. just not now." he sighed and took the wine in his glass like a shot. aziraphale tilted his head and looked up at crowley with the biggest puppy eyes he'd ever seen from the smaller angel. "angel dont give me the puppy eyes! go back to your reading... ill explain it later..." crowley said, holding the side of his head to try and stop a headache. aziraphale turned back round grumpily and opened the cover of the journal, seeing for the first time the front page of the book.

when crowley had handed it to him it was on the second page, not the front one... his fingers brushed over the parchment and the elegant script written on it. it was definitely real. he glanced back at crowley who looked deep in thought his eyes fixated on the two lines of text near the top of the page. minuets pass before aziraphale has processed exactly what words he was reading. he turned back round to crowley, still zoned out or lost in his own mind. he took a breath, truly wondering if he should do this and decided it was now or never.


"yes angel-" crowley said before his eyes blew wide as saucers and he covered his mouth. he tried to speak through his hand but it obviously didnt work. he sighed and dropped his head back onto the back of the sofa, quietly hissing to himself while aziraphale looked at him, flabbergasted. crowley finally moved his hand and there were obvious teeth marks in his hand. aziraphale gasped and gently ran his finger over the marks before giving them a slight kiss "theres really no excuse- i- fuck my head hurts again" crowley sighed and held one hand to his forehead, trying to soothe the tremendous ache that had just begun in his mind.

aziraphale sat next to him and miracled a cold towel, dabbing crowleys forehead with it. "crow- raph- dear! why didnt you tell me?? how did you even remember- thats why your head hurts... that- your head isnt built for that but you did it anyways huh." aziraphale realised and held the cold towel to crowleys head "so your archangel Raphael huh... wow... i suppose that explains the knowledge about the stars then huh"

crowley nodded and held a hand to the side of his head again, drinking some more wine. "i wasnt an- an archangel... i never was." crowley whispered, confusing aziraphale even more "i- i was a... seraphim... not an archangel" he whispered again and aziraphale froze.

"you were literal angel royalty and you never thought to correct us when we called you an archangel???" aziraphale asked, stunned by this new revelation and knowledge that Crowley had just imparted unto him "i- you were royalty and told nobody??? you- your the one i helped... you never old me your name bu these stars.... the meteor shower you protected me from... the pillars of creation..."aziraphale whispered to himself and crowley nodded. 

crowley took a deep breath and slowly looked at aziraphale "i- i wrote down everything i knew and everything i could remember... that's why i have so many first edition books on astronomy..." crowley explained slowly and aziraphale rubbed the back of his hand with a thumb. crowley summoned the actual book of Raphael and handed it to aziraphale. "you wont be able to read it, i know but... its all in there... the mortal universe." crowley said and flipped open the cover. the first page bearing the same elegant script as the journal 'property of the archangel Raphael.' 

"i cant believe all this time... it was you... Raphael went missing well... millennia ago.... we thought youd just found a new bit of space to transform.... nobody knew where to look. so nobody looked." aziraphale explained. crowley nodded along and got back to sipping his wine, letting aziraphale go back to the circle of books and stars. 

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