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Crowley was getting increasingly agitated the more the night loomed above him. He was leant against a statue of Jesus himself in a graveyard and watching the sky.

His head moved slightly, so very slightly towards the sound of a heartbeat coming closer and he looked over. It was Aziraphale. He quickly covered his mouth as the Angel got closer, praying he wasn't going to get too close.

"Crowley! There you are! I was starting to worry about you! Are you alright? Not hurt I trust?" He said and ran over, crouching right infront of Crowley. Aziraphale held one of crowleys hands, the one that wasn't over his mouth right now. "Crowley...?"

Crowley moved his hand slightly, so he could talk but still was covering his face. "Mmmm fine ángel... I- im worried about my breath?" Crowley tried to lie to Aziraphale and luckily it passed enough to not warrant any questions "had... garlic thing for a snack..." he said and Aziraphale nodded, deciding not to press.

He told Crowley all about his day, accepting that Crowley wasn't going to talk all that much and he slowly led him out of the graveyard and onto a bus, making Crowley take the window seat so that he couldn't get off at his apartment complex. Crowley growled slightly when he saw the stop to his building pass by but knew, even if Aziraphale didn't, that it was better to not be in a building for loads of human people with pulses. Even that bus was difficult

They finally got off right outside the bookshop and Aziraphale noticed crowleys behaviour get weirder and weirder "are you sure your alright Crowley...?" He asked and the demon nodded too quickly to be telling the truth. I'll make you some dinner, steak and chips perhaps?" Aziraphale thought outloud and went to go start cooking just that. Crowley sat at the little table in the kitchen, not wanting to be rude but not wanting to talk incase his teeth were visible.

Aziraphale was actually good at cooking and everything smelt really good, especially when he did the steaks medium rare. He set one down infront of Crowley and sat across from him "oh heavens I just realised I never ask how you take your steak!" He exclaimed. Crowley I'm response cut some of his steak and popped it into his mouth, moaning at the taste, Aziraphale really was a good cook.

The two happily ate dinner and Aziraphale went to wash up while Crowley sat in the main bookshop, trying to figure out exactly how to deal with this. If he didn't do something soon. He was gonna snap.

Crowley smiled at the Angel when he went about most of his night duties, re shelving and everything before coming over to Crowley absently while reading a book. Crowley stood infront of him and read the book upside down for a minute "oooh Jane Austin- wait jane Austin??"

"Yes Crowley. We've had this chat before, she wrote books and did illegal activities clearly." He said and flipped a page, cutting his finger on the edge. "Oooh paper cut. That's deep." He said as it started bleeding and he set the book away so it wasn't damaged. Crowley looked at the blood on Aziraphales finger for a moment and his breathing got heavier. "Crowley are you oka-"

Crowley surged forward and sunk his teeth into Aziraphales neck, momentarily loosing all control of himself and drinking Aziraphales blood. He stopped himself within seconds, not nearly enough blood to satiate the bloodlust but enough to snap him out of it.

He backed away from Aziraphale and wiped the blood off his lips and stared at it on his hand. "No no no no..." he said and wiped the blood on his trouser leg. Aziraphale held a hand over his neck for a second, healing it with a miracle before walking over tk crowley. "Aziraphale don't-"

"It's okay. You are an oni demon aren't you? Need the blood of others to help sustain you?" Crowley nodded so Aziraphale continued. "Then you can take mine, it's won't kill me, it helps you and... well... I care about you..." Aziraphale said and Crowley looked shocked. It took a second before Aziraphale tenatativley leaned in and kissed Crowley, slightly encouraging him to kiss back.

Crowley did so happily And took charge of the kiss, slowly walking Aziraphale a bit more backwards so that if he fell it would be on a sofa. One of crowleys arms wrapped around Aziraphales waist and up his back while the other hand gently held his head as they kissed. Crowely broke the kiss and trailed kisses and the tip of his tounge across Aziraphales jawline, pressing a kiss just below his ear, the Angel letting go of breathy, quiet moans.

"Fuck... Crowley go ahead..." Aziraphale whispered as Crowley hesitated over the spot against his neck. Crowley decided against going straight for it and decided to leave a deep purple hickey right over it, licking sucking, kissing, nipping at the skin of Aziraphales neck while holding him "please... please Crowley..." Aziraphale whispered, begging him to bite and take his blood.

Crowley sunk his teeth into the skin and Aziraphale groaned. Crowley was careful with how much blood he took from Aziraphale, it tasting surprisingly good for being angelic blood and kept licking away the blood that slowly oozed out as it was healing. Aziraphale was panting and slightly moaning in his ear as soon as the blood has stopped flowing from the two little holes in Aziraphales neck Crowley looked at him properly.

Aziraphale had a melty look in his eyes and kissed Crowley gently. "How are you feeling now?" He asked, cupping crowleys cheek in one hand. Crowley nodded and leaned into Aziraphales touch

"Very very tired...." Crowley said and got led and tucked into a bed upstairs. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep, not long at all. "Mmm love you Angel..." he murmured and Aziraphale shut the door.

The next morning when Crowley woke up and stumbled downstairs, into the kitchen. Aziraphale was making crepes and looked over "G'mornin Angel." Crowley rumbled.

"Good morning Crowley, how are you?" He asked, setting the crepes on a table. Crowley growled and held his head. "Comprehensive." Aziraphale teased and Crowley caught sight of the two little holes in the side of his neck, surrounded by the fading hickey. "No it doesn't hurt." He said, reading crowleys facial expressions rather flawlessly.

Crowley nodded and sat at the table, his head pounding. "Are- you okay?" He asked slowly and Aziraphale nodded, already eating some crepes from the big plate in the centre. "Good... I hate not... eating. I have to eat every fucking day... it's impossible. Fucking starving myself is shit." Crowley mumbled to himself but Aziraphale being Aziraphale caught it. "Fuck." Crowley said, Aziraphales fork had stopped mid air and he was looking up dubiously.

"You starve yourself of blood Crowley??" Aziraphale demanded and put his fork down. Crowley nodded sheepishly and sighed. "That's not gonna happen again. If you ever, i mean ever, need blood you can come to me. It doesn't harm me at all." Aziraphale half scolded and half exclaimed. Crowley looked away, keeping his mouth shut.

Aziraphale tilted crowleys head back to face him and Crowley opened his mouth to say something but his long sharp teeth caught Aziraphales attention. Aziraphale smirked and looked curious "can I see?" Aziraphale asked and Crowley relented, smiling a bit so Aziraphale could see the proper length of his teeth. "Wow.... Those are real...." Aziraphale said and looked facinating.

"I know I'm weird..." Crowley said and tried to hide his teeth as much as possible before Aziraphale pressed a thumb against the front. "Azira-" Crowley started but aziraphale silenced him. He ran a finger across the side and bottom for the sharp teeth, accidentally nicking his finger in the process. Crowleys tounge darted and caught the drop of blood on Aziraphales finger, slightly humming to himself before turning a deep red and hiding his face in his hands.

Aziraphale sat in crowleys lap and gently moved his hands away. "It's alright, do you need blood?" Aziraphale asked and rested his hands on crowleys shoulders. Crowley nodded, hating admitting it but he couldn't lie for very long around Aziraphale. Aziraphale hugged him and carefully pulled crowleys head towards his neck "then make sure you eat my dear Crowley. Please?"

Crowley softly kissed and nipped the side of Aziraphales neck, trying to make it less painful more pleasurable when he needed to bite the Angel. "New cologne?" Crowley asked against his skin.

Aziraphale hummed and tilted his head, giving Crowley more access to his neck. "Yes, what do you think?" Aziraphale said, panting slightly as Crowley licked and sucked his neck. His fingers tangled slightly in crowleys hair and gently tugged. Crowleys teeth slid into his neck and Crowley drinking his blood felt a bit strange, ticklish almost.

"Smells good... it's a good cologne..." Crowley mumbled against the Ángels neck, not needing anymore blood but wanting cuddles.

I wrote this in like an hour or two so excuse it's missing plot and shit :)

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