following orders

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wow... aziraphale was gorgeous like this. happily eating crepes with that stupidly cute little grin on his face. he was so pleased with the crepes that crowley had made, it was only 1795 and crowley had learnt to make them to stop aziraphale getting sentenced to another beheading. it was tedious the last time.

"mhmmm! these are so tasty!" aziraphale smiled and crowley smiled with him. the angel ate the crepes with all the glee of a toddler and offered the last bite to crowley from his fork. "you make such good crepes! try itttt!" aziraphale insited until crowley had the last bite.

he looks so sweet, ill try cinamon sugar next time, see wat he thinks crowley thought to himself and hummed. he helped out around the bookshop until it closed and aziraphale was so tired he curled into the slightly larger demons side. "aziraphale?" crowley asked, slightly shifting to make aziraphale more comfortable.

aziraphale looked up at him, his eyes bleary and tired. "crowley? mmm sad...." he mumbled and when crowley hummed tears spilled from the angels eyes. "heaven... its... it wants me to do something i dont wanna do..." he cried and crowely soothed him gently until they fell asleep.

crowley suddenly clutched at his chest and everything seemed to go blurry for a moment until crowley recognised where theyd gone it was 1812 and it took him a second mmmm god the brain fog is bad today... god i cant remeber the last 17 years very well... happens all the time. stupid age. "its alright boys i know him!" he called to his little hench people through the fog.

"crawley- crowley? is that you under there??" aziraphale asked and crowley lifted his visor. aziraphales face lit up for a moment before he quietly scolded himself and looked grumpy again "what in heavens name are you doing here?" he asked, sheathing his word and taking off his helmet and gauntlets and holding them at his side.

crowley smirked and took all of his gear and whipped his long hair out of its awkward little tuck. "Hello Aziraphale! I'm... formenting!" He said with confidence and then looked around to see if anyone else heard him.

"Formenting?" Aziraphale asked in disbelief, actually playing his helmet on the floor and taking off the heavy metal chestplate, sure that crowely nor his men were going to cause the Angel any harm

Crowley made a non commital noise and Aziraphale looked at him. "Oohhhh you know what their like 'just get up there and make some trouble'" he quoted, mocking one of the demons that normally gave him orders, especially orders he did not infact care about. "I'm formenting evil and... stuff!"

"Well- well I'm formenting peace! And... things!" Aziraphale said and sighed. "Neither of us are doing our jobs are we?"

"Are we ever?" 

"Good point"

Crowley offered a hand to Aziraphale and waited for him to take it "well then let's discuss this peace thingy you want over a spot of lunch, on me." He said and Aziraphale finally took his hand, the both of them shedding and leaving a trail of their armour on the damp, fog wetted grass. 

Crowley fell again, holding a hand over his heart, that same sharp pain from 17 years ago happening again. Time went blurry, until Crowley was sat on a couch in Aziraphales new bookshop just watching him go about and shelving more books from his many hidden stashes all over the world. "I mean... it's been... 5 years now and your still not open for business" Crowley asked and stated at the same time, wondering yet slightly accusing.

"I know i know! But I have so many books all over the place from all of the years and years they've been made and even old parchment from such a long time ago that it's taking me ages to collect it all" he exclaimed. "I'll be open for business at exactly 1900. That's only about 3 years away!"


"Okay nine years away! But with who and what we are it'll only feel like three years right?" He asked and Crowley sighed. Aziraphale got Crowley some tea, it had quickly become the Ángels favorite drink, especially with sugar in it.

Crowley accepted the tea and drank it, looking somewhat into space. "Y'know... hells talking about getting like- paying for my place and stuff since I'm up here and all, might not be a bad idea for once." He thought outloud to himself. Aziraphale looked a bit thoughtful and snapped his fingers, a pair of keys appearing in crowleys hand "Angel what did you-" a note appeared a second later, belezebubs scratchy handwriting on it "we have decided to go ahead and pay for your living situation while your up there. It's only fair." Crowley read aloud.

"There we go! Problem solved eh?" Aziraphale said and Crowley laughed. But as quickly as the laughter started it vanished with a pained cry and a loud smash of the teacup that was in crowleys hands "oh dear are you okay??" Aziraphale asked and rushed to support Crowley who was double over in pain.

Crowley was crying and holding his chest, right over his heart "I- I don't understand-" he managed to get out and then everything went blurred and swirly again.

This is the stupidest thing I've done in recent history. Guaranteed. Crowley thought and pushed open the doors of the church, hopping up the aisle like his feet were burning, which they were. "Ah! It's- it's like being on a beach in bare feet!" He exclaimed.

Aziraphale turned to look at him with a massive, overdramatised gasp. "I should have known! This was all your demonic work!" He said and Crowley looked at him. "These people are working for you!" He accused and Crowley frowned.

"Of- oooh! Course not! This is a bunch of- of half witted nazi spies running round London blackmailing and murdering people! I just didn't want to see you embarassed- ahmmmmm." He said quickly, dancing around the church floor and leaning on the pews.

The bombs went off and he handed Aziraphale his books before crumbling into the rubble with a huge cry of utter pain. Everything passed faster and faster, the day he delivered (well not delivered but delivered) the Antichrist, him and Aziraphale raising young warlock, the bandstand, newt and anatema, the luches at the ritz, the nunnery- all of these amazing memories of Aziraphale.

Memories? They weren't memories? They- he was living them. They couldn't be memories if he was really there... right?

No! They weren't memories! That just wasn't possible! He was actually- really really there. Not just pretend there.

Except... there was nothing else happening. It was black... and quiet. No more days to pass.

With another anguished, echoing cry through his mind his eyes snapped open and met Aziraphales, teary and red. Crowley tried to move to comfort him but hissed, feeling a sharp... familiar... stabbing pain over his heart. He didn't move and just felt Aziraphales hand round his shoulders, one on his cheek and tears dripping onto his skin and more importantly he saw the hilt of Aziraphales sword tucked upwards against his chest.

Then it all came back. The day of armageddont. Today. The apocalypse was over but the end had just begun. Gabriel gave Aziraphale an order, holy order that not even he could fight.

Crowley just stood there, dint even try to fight back for fear of harming Aziraphale. He felt a sharp sting and then went through all of the memories he had...

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm sorry." Aziraphale whispered above him, crying and holding crowleys body "I'm sorry crowely..." both of their wings were out and Aziraphales had mostly wrapped around Crowley, the blood dripping off of his fingertips and onto the white feathers.

Crowley smiled and cupped his cheek. "It's not your fault... you were only following orders.... I f...forgive you..." Crowley said. His voice fading away and a single tear falling from the corner of his eye.

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