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I'm really struggling w my disabilities at the moment and I'm Working on a few things so my writing might be a little sub par. Also enjoy the shorter chapters ig, uhm, also these songs are fuckin fire.

It was unusual. He did have to admit. But it was a bit of a secret pleasure. He had recently come across a rock singer, they were something of a masked singer, always wearing some sort of elaborate costume with a gas mask and tubing and azirapahle had to admit it was an incredible outfit.

The Angel started listening to 'hells Angel', what the singer called himself. There was actually a live concert for him coming up in London and azirapahle went to his demon friend to find out if Crowley wanted to go with him.

"Crowley crowley Crowley Crowley!" Azirapahle ran into his apartment and Crowley scrambled to close a book and hide some pages but eventually stood infront of azirapahle to give him his attention. "Crowleyyyyyy so i have a secret."

Crowley narrowed his eyes and looked at the Angel suspiciously. "A secret? Well before you tell me would you like some alcohol?" Crowley asked and azirapahle nodded, he was bouncing around like a child on sugar. Crowley poured and handed him a sweet red wine and got himself a glass. "Fire away Angel." He sat on his sofa and knew it was futile to try and sit azirapahle down so he didn't even try, just smiled at how excited he was.

"Okay so- I listen to rock." Azirapahle said and Crowley smirked. "Yea yea I know but shush. The thing is- there's a concert for my favorite rock singer and it's in London and I wanted to know if you'd like to come?" He asked, bouncing about. Crowley smiled and watched him. Aziraphale was like an excited puppy. Crowley noted the way his eyes lit up which means he really was interested in whatever singer he had found.

Crowley refilled his wine and sent a glance to his messy stack of papers stuffed into a book but shook his head. "Who's the singer? When's the concert, I'll check if I'm free, there's only like one day that I'm not free this month." Crowley asked and pulled out his calendar book, about to pencil it in and he took a long sip of wine

"Hells Angel!"

Crowley choked on his wine and dropped the book to the floor. "Ch- Christ." He coughed and set his drink down. "Didnt- didn't think you'd be into that kinda music Angel?"

"Oh but it's so good, I'll tell you all about it even if your not free to come" the Angel replied quickly, bouncing back on his heels to his toes repeatedly. He didn't want to pressure Crowley but what he was going to do was go on a rant about the type of music that this particular singer made.

Crowley finally got himself under control, not coughing or about to discorporate from lack of air. "Uhm- unfortunately on that very very paticuar day I can't attend with you, I... have a job to do." He replied vaguely and then gestured for Aziraphale to get his rant going, happy to sit back and listen.

"Oh that's unfortunate, you'd have liked it, but that's okay! I can tell you what happens! Basically this artist puts so much emotion behind his songs and oh my god it's so like- there's clearly a backstory to every single word, he will have been through a lot but like to turn that into such mastery- like two of my favorite songs are 'monster' and 'natural' and they are both being performed at the concert..." azirapahle went on and on for hours, clearly passionate and super excited. Crowley listened with a smile the entire time, he loved watching his Angel get positively worked up about things he enjoyed.

Aziraphale was bouncing and excited all week, enough that Crowley didn't get much of anything in the way of sleep at nights, always letting azirapahle talk and get himself excited. The day of the concert came and azirapahle went to it.

The first song came on and he was immediately impressed, even through the mask he sounded flawless and the love guitar was just beautiful, he never knew someone could play like that. As soon as natural came on there were fire showers and smoke, flashing lights and generally a shit load of hyper teenagers.

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