twenty two

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The venue for the upcoming art exhibition buzzed with activity as Yuna and Hongjoong stepped in

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The venue for the upcoming art exhibition buzzed with activity as Yuna and Hongjoong stepped in. The air was filled with the sound of workers coordinating, setting up booths, and arranging artworks.

Yuna couldn't help but let out a sigh, a mixture of exhaustion from the previous charity event and the anticipation of the upcoming exhibition.

"Honestly, we just finished the charity event yesterday, and now we're diving into this," Yuna remarked, her eyes scanning the room.

Hongjoong chuckled in response, a glint of amusement in his eyes. "The price of royalty, Princess. We're always on the move."

Yuna shot him a playful glare, "Well, I guess you're right."

They joined the team, and this time, they weren't divided by separate tasks. Instead, they found themselves working side by side, discussing lighting arrangements, critiquing paintings' placements, and ensuring every detail contributed to the overall aesthetic appeal of the gallery.

In the midst of the organized chaos, Yuna's phone buzzed with an incoming call. She excused herself from the work at hand, stepping aside to answer.

Her mother's voice echoed through the line, "How is the art exhibition coming along, Yuna?"

Yuna glanced around at the busy workers, then turned her attention back to the call. "It's going well, Mom. Hongjoong is proving to be a great partner in all of this."

There was a sigh on the other end of the line, and Queen Jihye's voice sounded a bit more serious.

"That's good to hear, Yuna, but make sure not to get swayed by him. Stay focused on the task at hand."

"Of course, mom."

Yuna's initial reaction was to brush off her mother's concern, but as the call ended, she found herself deep in thought.

Her relationship with Hongjoong had evolved over the past days – from bickering partners to collaborative teammates.

However, her mother's words lingered, causing Yuna to question whether there was more beneath the surface.

She rejoined the bustling preparations, her mind now divided between the logistical challenges of organizing the exhibition and the growing complexity of her feelings.

As Yuna immersed herself in the tasks, a subtle undercurrent of introspection accompanied her, fueled by the unexpected weight of her mother's advice.

As Yuna immersed herself in the tasks, a subtle undercurrent of introspection accompanied her, fueled by the unexpected weight of her mother's advice

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you know it's deeper than the rain ~

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