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In the opulent dining room of Celestria Palace, the morning sunlight filtered through the ornate windows

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In the opulent dining room of Celestria Palace, the morning sunlight filtered through the ornate windows.

Hongjoong, engrossed in a book, enjoyed a quiet breakfast. The tranquility, however, was short-lived.

Queen Soojin entered, her presence signaling an impending discussion. "Good morning, Hongjoong. I hope you slept well."

Hongjoong looked up, a polite smile on his face. "Morning, Mother. What brings you here so early?"

As they shared a meal, the conversation subtly shifted towards the matters weighing on the royal family.

His mother chose her words carefully. "Hongjoong, you've always had a unique way of approaching life. It's admirable, but the responsibilities of the crown require a different mindset."

Hongjoong raised an eyebrow, sensing the direction of the conversation. "Is this about the crown again?"

Queen Soojin nodded. "Your father and I worry that your current lifestyle might not align with the expectations the kingdom has for its future ruler."

The tension in the room increased as the discussion delved into the topic of marriage.

"And speaking of expectations, Hongjoong, you're at an age where you should be considering a suitable match," Queen Soojin gently suggested.

Hongjoong sighed, setting aside his book. "Mother, I won't be pressured into a marriage for political reasons. Love should be at the forefront, not alliances."

The atmosphere grew heavy with unspoken concerns and conflicting desires, setting the stage for the inevitable clash between tradition and personal beliefs.

Queen Soojin, her gaze unwavering, responded to her son's declaration.

"Your ideals are noble, but the crown bears a weight of duty and expectation. Marriages often serve as bridges between kingdoms, strengthening alliances that are crucial for the prosperity of our people."

Hongjoong leaned back, frustration evident in his expression. "I understand the importance of alliances, but I won't enter into a union without genuine connection. I won't sacrifice my happiness for political gain."

The tension in the room thickened as the 24 year old's father entered, sensing the discord. He spoke with a measured tone,

"Hongjoong, there comes a time when personal desires must align with the greater good. The stability of Celestria depends on strategic decisions."

A sigh escaped Hongjoong as he pushed his plate away, the remnants of a once-peaceful breakfast now overshadowed by the looming clash of principles.

"I won't compromise who I am, Father. I'll find a way to fulfill my duties without sacrificing my values."

The air hung heavy with unresolved discussions, setting the stage for a royal dilemma that extended beyond personal desires—a clash between tradition, duty, and the pursuit of individual happiness.

The air hung heavy with unresolved discussions, setting the stage for a royal dilemma that extended beyond personal desires—a clash between tradition, duty, and the pursuit of individual happiness

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