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Yuna woke up from a brief slumber, rubbing her eyes as she checked the time

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Yuna woke up from a brief slumber, rubbing her eyes as she checked the time. Almost there. She got up and decided to freshen up, announcing to Hongjoong, "I'm just gonna go wash up."

"Mhm," Hongjoong replied, engrossed in something on his lap.

Yuna went to the bathroom, quickly washing her face, applying a new layer of lip gloss, and tying her hair back lightly, tucking stray strands behind her ear.

Returning to her seat, she noticed Hongjoong deeply focused on a book. Curiosity got the better of her, and she peered over to see what he was reading.

What the...

"I thought that was a cheesy romcom," Yuna said, confused.

Hongjoong looked up, his eyebrows furrowed. "Yeah, I was curious. Wait a second, this is serious." The prince said as he looked back at the book, focused.

Yuna shook her head in disbelief. The announcement interrupted their conversation, and Hongjoong handed the book back. "Give me that later; I need to finish it," he said.

Yuna slowly nodded, saying, "Uh, yeah, sure." They both put on their shades as the plane prepared for landing.

When it was time to disembark, Hongjoong remarked, "Ready for the flashing lights?"

"Born ready," Yuna replied with a confident smile.

As they stepped off the plane, the bustling atmosphere of the airport greeted them. The clicking of cameras, excited murmurs, and the occasional flash of bright lights indicated the media presence.

Yuna adjusted her shades, her demeanor poised for the attention. Hongjoong, beside her, seemed to take it all in stride.

"Let's make an entrance," Hongjoong suggested with a playful glint in his eyes. Yuna smirked slightly, and together, they walked into the spotlight, ready for the next chapter of their journey.

 Yuna smirked slightly, and together, they walked into the spotlight, ready for the next chapter of their journey

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