Chapter 7 -date?

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Kiara's PoV

Here I'm waiting for my Rudy rude fiancé . Like seriously. He is making me wait I'm already so pissed .

He is so complicated..I don't think I'll ever be able to understand him...

I was lost in my thoughts , and suddenly a black color Mercedes pulled up in front me . The person sitting in the car  rolled down the window and I was not shocked..I was kinda expecting

Wait last time he was driving a bmw
And now a many cars does this guy own.?!

He got down ,  and opened the door for me .
"Get in the car , Mia cara"

Muttering a small thank you ,I got inside ...
He smiled shaking his head , and came to his side sitting inside..

His Smile, damnnnnnnnnn

He was driving the car while me , well I was busy admiring him,well eye fucking to be precise. My subconscious mocked .

Well shut up..I said

"Are you always talking to yourself ms.kiara"
He asked

"Not always" I replied without thinking.
WAIT WHAT , did I speak out loud?
Ahhkk I want this ground to swallow me's to much to Handel ..

"Well, now you have me , you can talk to me rather than talking to yourself."he said looking towards me.

"Umm...will you be with me forever then" I asked

"I'll be always there for you" he replied keeping his hand on my hands  which mere placed on my lap..

I bit my cheek trying to hide my smile ..

"Don't do that " he said

"Don't do what?" I asked

"Don't hide your beautiful smile from  me, nowadays that's the only thing that's keeping me sane" he said taking my hand and placing it on the gear and his hand above my hand , changing the gear ..

Butterflies, wait BUTTERFLIES 🦋

He is making me fall in love with him..
It's not that I don't want to love him , but this is too early ..

But I can't help..

"Umm can I connect the Bluetooth?" I asked him not to make things awkward.

"It's your car Mia cara , do what ever you want" he said and I connected the Bluetooth ..and played  Ishq wala love ..! Thinking about him
Ahh can he stop being so nice...he is so good , how can I not fall in love with him..

The car stopped bringing me back from my thoughts..!!

Wait what ...are we going to have street food...?

He  got down  from  the car  before  coming to my side and opening the door for me ..

"Well , yesterday you said that you want to have street food, I didn't know the best place , like a place with min hygiene at-least  so I did my research and this is it " he said

"What is this place , even I didn't know about this " I said and he chuckled..!

"Well , now you know Mia cara" he said taking my hand and kissing my knuckles..
Making me all red .

Butterflies again!!

"So , what would you like to have?"he asked

"Umm..may be , like , you know umm everything?" Said nervously..

He looked shocked but nodded..
Well i can't say no to food and I don't have any favourite I love everything..
How can I choose one ,when the best part about the life is food..
We went and had everything, like almost everything..and it was yumm..

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