Chapter 13: The Kusarigama

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Chapter 13: The Kusarigama

AN- Kuma is the Japanese version of a sickle

I laid on my bed with my hands folded behind my head, looking into the darkness that filled the room. I wasn't exactly sure what time it was but I knew that it was pretty late because there wasn't any sunlight left to fill the room. I sighed wishing that I would fall asleep. I wasn't sure why but it seemed like my mind just didn't want to fall asleep. The snoring coming from Nya across the room wasn't helping one bit. I rolled over, taking the covers with me and sighed. "She'd better not do this any more," there was just something about snoring that annoyed me so much. It was probably because I slept in the same room with my snoring sister until I was nine, which would keep me up pretty late. That could also explain why I go to be late, normally falling asleep somewhere between ten and twelve.

In order to ignore the snoring, I tried to just think about what was going to happen tomorrow, or today, which ever day it was at that point. I wanted to see how they'd handle things and if they'd even let me do things. They're the ones to have a long past with them so it'd make sense for them to want to talk to them, and not me. I started to think that they'd make me stay behind them and not do anything at all. Maybe I was just overthinking things and I didn't see them in the right way. I mean, based off of what Nya said to me, it sounded like they only liked to work within the five of them. If that was the case, then why would they let me on the team in the first place?

I shook my head to forget about that, and started to hear Nya's snoring again. "Okay, I can't stand this," I muttered. I was getting really annoyed, so I threw the blanket off of me and left the room. I wasn't sure where I was going to go, or where I was going at all, so I just walked. I ended up in the kitchen, maybe I could just sleep in there? "Nah, it'll be weird to sleep in here," I told myself as a stopped in front of the fridge. "You know what, I'm hungry," I thought to myself. I opened the door and looked inside, scanning the various food. "Nope, nope, nope," I counted off as I ceased to find something I was in the mood food. "Oh my god," If I was seeing what I thought I saw, it would be awesome. And it was! "A. Damn. Cake!"

I moved the foods that were in the way of me reaching it, before taking it out. It was just a small portion of one, but it was good enough for me, any amount of cake was. What was even better is that it was a corner piece! You always got more frosting out of the corner pieces, which was the best part. "If this is someones, I'm not sorry. Nothing's gonna keep me from eating this," I smiled, even though no one could see, and decided to take it to the same outside training area I was at when I first came here, that I sparred with the others at. I sat up against a wall with only small lights around the place to see.

"What a way to start off my time here," I sighed to myself, wishing that the loud snoring of Nya didn't keep me out of the room to sleep. I decided to take the time to think about anything I could, which my mind right away started to think about what was going to happen with the snakes. From what I could tell they we were just going to go and talk to them about it and see what was their problem. Was it the whole group or was it just a few rogue snakes? It was hard to tell at this point, but I had a gut feeling that it was the second one. We'd probably hear of another attack by now, which we haven't, if it was all of them. I could see a few of them getting tired of being good to humans and decided that it was time that they had a little chance. It happens everywhere, there's never going to be one species that doesn't have its' bad guys.

I took a quick bite of the cake that I had resting on my lap, which turned out to be pretty good. "Wow, this is pretty decent. Wonder who made it," I whispered to myself. I bet that it was Zane, he was the only one who I could tell was a good cook. As I continued eating, I started getting a little bored, but before I knew it the cake was gone and in my stomach. "Damn, that was a good cake," it really was, to be honest, one of the best ones I'd ever had. Unfortunately, I still wasn't tired, not one bit. I set the plate down beside me before looking around. Seeing that I couldn't fall asleep, I was thinking that I could train for a bit.

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