Chapter Twenty Four: The Smoke In Our Eyes

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Chapter Twenty Four: The Smoke in Our Eyes

I plopped onto my bed with a big sigh "Wow, what a conversation," I let my head fall onto my pillow, not believing the talk I just had with Cole. It was a rather deep conversation but I felt as if we gain a little new respect for one another. I knew that he would trust me and that I could trust him, that was enough to gain my respect. I was just surprised that he openly cried to me and even said that he never would with the others. I wondered why he'd do that, was it possible that he had some kind of respect for me that he didn't have for the others? I kind of doubted it because I found it hard to believe that he'd be able to come to me with that instead of the others, who have known each other for a little over two years.

I turned my head to look over at my phone that was laying on my nightstand and reached for it. It was a little too far to reach so I had to lean closer to actually grab it. I turned it on and went to my contacts, stopping at my sisters name. I wanted to call her and talk to her about what happened that day, I needed to talk to her. I hadn't called her for a couple of days and I thought that it'd help me by talking to her about it. She told me to update her on everything that happened and she'd probably hate me for not telling her about it all at first. I sighed and selected her name. I bought the phone up to my ear, listening to it ring and ring. She finally picked up, saying "Hey, Cass."

"Uh, hey Amanda. I wanna talk to you about something," I told her. Now thinking about it, I wasn't 100% sure what I was going to say to her. I mean, how do you just tell someone Well, it turns out there's this person threatening Ninjago and me and the team are fighting them, and things might get ugly. Maybe I could just not tell her that things could get ugly, they was the best idea. That way she wouldn't freak out and tell me to come home or something like that.

"Is everything okay?" She questioned, concern evident in her voice. There she goes, easily being able to tell that something was wrong. Whenever I'm about to tell her something bad she automatically knows that something's up and feels the need to ask me a hundred questions and make sure that I'm okay. "Did something bad happen? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I insisted "and honestly don't know what to say. Long story short: there's a new villain in Ninjago and we're planning on stopping them. I just wanted to let you know so you wouldn't freak out if I told you after we fought them. Just please, please don't freak out or anything, I'll be fine and you don't need to worry about me."

The line was quiet for a second until she spoke up "I don't know what to say. I mean, this is big, but I'm not going to freak out or anything. I just want you to be safe, and not dead."
"Don't worry I won't die or anything, I can handle myself. Plus I've got my team to back me up. Well, all of them except for Jay and Zane."

I quickly explained to her what happened and she was clearly shocked. "What? Are you serious?" She wondered in disbelief, not being used to stuff like that. It was pretty obvious considering that she's never fought before and expected things like this. I couldn't even see her fighting if she wanted to, she'd be beaten in a matter of seconds, I hated to admit it but it was true.

"Yeah. I honestly not sure what we're going to do, we're going to talk it out soon," I started until I heard the door open, looking over to see Shadow coming in and sitting on the foot of her bed. I sat up and turned to her, letting my legs dangle from the side. "Uh, I gotta go Amanda, I'll call you soon. I promise, bye," I heard her say bye as well and I hung up. My eyes shifted over to Shadow on her bed. "Hey."

She looked up at me and sighed "Hey Cass," I could tell that she was down, clearly from what had happened not that long before. I didn't know what she was thinking but I did know that she had hundreds of questions like the rest of us did. "I see you talked to Cole a little while ago."

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