Growing pains

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*Gilbert Residence,There is a bright white light and the sounds of church bells ringing, sirens, and yard work going on can be heard. Suddenly, Elena gasps for air and wakes up. It's morning. Stefan and Aria are sitting on the end of her bed, watching her. She seems confused about what is going on around her.*
Elena: Stefan? Aria?
Aria: Elena!(she goes towards her and hugs her)
Stefan: Hey. I'm right here. You've been in and out for hours.
Elena: Wh-what happened?
Stefan: You were in an accident.
Elena: Oh my God. Matt is he...?
Aria:(she growls) are you kidding me right now!?(Damon interrupts; he is sitting on the window seat next to Elena's bed.)
Damon: Alive? (Elena,Aria and Stefan both look at him.)Ask Stefan. The hero.(Elena looks back at Stefan.)
Stefan: He's fine.
Elena: Thank you. I thought that I – how...?(she then looks at Aria who looks down)
Damon: Save you? He didn't and Aria tried but...she couldn't in time
Stefan: When Jeremy brought you to the hospital before all this happened, your injuries were worse than anyone knew. Meredith Fell made a choice, she used Damon's blood to heal you.
Damon: And when Rebekah ran Matt's truck off the road, you had vampire blood in your system, Elena.(Elena starts to panic.)
Elena: Oh my God. Does - does that mean that I – am I dead?(Stefan and Damon say nothing as Aria looks at her)
Aria: yes.
Elena: No, no, no, no! That wasn't supposed to happen!
Stefan: Maybe it doesn't have to. I talked to Bonnie, she says she's stronger than ever, there might be something that she can do to help you.(he then looks at Aria)
Aria:(sighs) and I'll look through my spell book but I can't promise anything Elena.
Damon: No, the only thing that's going to help is for you to feed and complete the transition.
Stefan: We have all day before she has to feed, Damon. That's a day to exhaust every possible way out of this.
Damon: There is no way out of it. We all know the drill. You feed or you die. There is no door number three.(he looks at Aria) you agree with me don't you?(Aria doesn't answer,she justs looks away)
Elena: (crying) I was ready to die. I was supposed to die. I don't – I don't want to be – I can't be a vampire! If there's something that Bonnie or maybe (she looks at Aria)you can do we have to try.
Stefan: We will. We'll try everything.(Damon scoffs and rolls his eyes.)
Damon: Your choice, Elena. As always.
Aria:(she then sighs as she had enough) You won't have become a vampire if you keeped your necklace on! I made it to keep you protected! Not him! If you would keeped the necklace it would have made a bubble so you breathe for a few minutes, it would have lasted long enough for you to get rescued and alive!!
Elena: but then Matt would have died!
Aria: I don't care!
Elena: you don't mean that.
Aria:(her eyes start glowing as the house starts shaking) yes. I. Do.
Damon:(he grabs her hand) Hey, come on.(he leaves while pulling Aria with him. Stefan looks at Elena who is still in tears)
Stefen: It's ok,she didn't mean it,she's uh...just angry that's all.

*In the kitchen, Damon drags Aria with him as he grabs a bottle of alcohol from a cupboard and pours himself and Aria a drink.*
Damon:(he gives her a glass) here,drink. This should help you come down a bit so you won't destroy the house.
Aria:(she sighs as she grabs the drink and drinks it) thanks,I really needed that,
Damon: No problem, I am just glad there is someone else who thought of saving Elena first.
Aria:(she then looks down) I should have there earlier...
Damon:hey it's not your fault,
Aria: yes it is! I know there was a chance we wouldn't make it in time but I didn't do the spell to help Elena because I thought she had her necklace on,I knew it was going to supply her with air long enough for us to arrive.(she then sighs) what i didn't count on was for her to give it to Matt!(she then throws her glass towards a wall and it shatters) I should have known. (She sighs again) I know I might sound mean or maybe evil for saying this and i do care about him but if I...I had to pick between my twin sister or him, i—
Damon: would have picked Elena.(Aria nods)
Aria: now that I think about it,I shouldn't be mad at him or keep thinking of ways to kill's—
Damon: No you should be mad, because of him Elena is a vampire .(Stefan enters the kitchen.)
Stefan: No, don't blame him.
Damon:(he looks at Stefen)Way to get her hopes up for something that's never happened in the history of vampirism.
Stefan: You know what, you weren't there the day Elena looked me in the eye and told me she absolutely never wanted this.(Damon drinks the whole drink in a single gulp.)
Damon: Then you shouldn't have let her die.
Stefan: I never meant for her to die. She asked me to help Matt first and I did.
Aria:(she starts to feel angry again but she then closes her eyes and calms down as she calmly says) and now she's a vampire.
Damon: And now the world has one more quarterback. Bravo, brother.(Damon pours himself another drink.)
Stefan: I made a choice that I will regret for the rest of my life. Now let me try to fix it.(Aria then grabs her keys) where are you going?
Aria: away from here and hopefully find a way to help Elena.(she then leaves making Stefen sighs,he leaves as well. Damon finishes his second drink. Back in the bedroom, Elena is looking at herself in the mirror. She is breathing heavily and rubs her face. She touches her teeth to check if they have sprouted fangs yet. Her hearing has intensified and she hears the electricity running through a lightbulb and looks down at it. Suddenly, she sees Jeremy in the doorway and walks over to him.)
Elena: Jer!(They embrace.)
Jeremy: Are you okay? I watched Vicki go through this, she was a mess. Her emotions were all over the place. All these old memories came flooding back.(Elena glances over at the lightbulb again, but turns back to face Jeremy.)
Elena: I'm fine. I'm not Vicki.
Jeremy: No, you're not. You're you. You act like everything's okay so no one worries about you but you need help.(Elena keeps glancing at the lightbulb.)
Elena: (snappy) I said I'm fine, okay? I – I'm sorry, I....Have you talked to Bonnie?
Jeremy: Yeah, she said when I was shot; she made some plea to the witch spirits to bring me back but they didn't want to help so she use her own magic and Aria's to bring me back.
Elena: Yeah, but the consequences were horrible.
Jeremy: And what could be more horrible than you turning into a vampire? I need my sister, not another one of them.
Elena: We're gonna find a way out of this. Everything's gonna be okay.
Jeremy: I hope so.
Elena: Wait, is that how you feel about Aria?
Jeremy: No, Aria might be a vampire but she at least doesn't act like one and beside I could never hate her.(Jeremy leaves. Elena turns around and looks at the lightbulb in the lamp. She strides towards it, pulls off the lampshade and crushes the lightbulb in her hand.)

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