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* Salvatore Boarding House,Caroline is sitting on the couch. Damon gives her a glass of blood.*
Damon: Here.
Caroline: I'm still shaking.(She drinks. Stefan arrives.)
Stefan: What happened?
Damon: Go ahead, tell him. You're gonna love this.
Caroline: I saw Katherine today.
Stefan: Where?
Caroline: At the Grill. I just stopped by to gawk and...quasi-stalk Matt.

*Mystic Grill,The flashback starts. Caroline tells them the story. She's looking at Matt; he sees her.*
Matt: Do you need a table?
Caroline: No, I'm not staying. I just needed to use the little girls' room.
Damon: Skip the teen drama and get to it.
Caroline: Then I had to pretend to use the bathroom even though I didn't really have to go because I'm a doofus.(Caroline is in the bathroom. She's washing her hands when Katherine arrives. She poses as Elena.)
Caroline: Elena?
Katherine: Hey, I saw you with Matt, are you okay?
Caroline: Yeah, you know...whatever.(Caroline tries to superspeed passed Katherine, but Katherine grabs her and pulls her back.)
Katherine: You're good. What gave me away? Was it the hair? Or was it my clothes?
Caroline: I know Elena is...I know Elena's at home.
Katherine: I need you to deliver a message.
Stefan: What was the message?
Katherine: Tell Damon and Stefan that I want the moonstone or I will rip this town apart until it rains blood.
Damon: Tell him the rest of it.
Katherine: Tonight, at the masquerade ball .

*Salvatore Boarding House,The flashback ends.*
Stefan:she wants to do it in public. Killing Mason threw her off guard.
Damon: She's running scared. What she did to Jenna was desperate. She's out of tricks.
Stefan: We can't underestimate her. We have to play this smarter than her.
Caroline: Can we just give her the moonstone so she'll leave?
Damon: No, Katherine's not getting dick. I've had it. I'm gonna go to the masquerade ball and I'm gonna kill her, tonight.
Stefan: You're not gonna kill her.
Damon: Don't give me that goody-goody crap.
Stefan: You're not gonna kill her.
Damon: Really?
Stefan: Because I am.

*at Katherine's room,Aria has started to wake up,she tries to get up but can't,she sees chains are tied to her wrist and on to the sofa she was on*
Aria: what the—
Katherine:I see your wake,are you still feeling murdery?
Aria: What did you do to me!
Katherine: Calm down,I only give you some wolfsbane to knock you out,you were out to get me last night.(Aria's werewolf face comes out and tries to bite the chain off) are you seriously trying to bite the chain off?(Aria doesn't answer and just goes back to biting the chain) are you going to ignore me?(Again, Aria doesn't say anything,then her phone rings.Aria turns her head towards the sound,while Katherine goes over to see who it was,it was Elena )ugh! It's my dishwater doppelgänger.(she hangs up)
Aria: did you just hang up!?
Katherine: oh,so now your talking to me.
Aria:(try's to break the chains but can't,she yells) argh!
Katherine: If you just calm down I would be happy to take them off of you.
Aria: I don't need your help!!(she closes her eyes and breathes in and out,she then pulls on the chains and breaks them,Katherine looks at her in shock)
Katherine: You're stronger than you look.
Aria:(she sighs in annoyance and puts her hands up towards Katherine,Katherine raise an eyebrow at her) I need the key so they can come off my wrist.(Katherine unlocks the cuffs and Aria takes them off)
Katherine: So you're not mad at me anymore? Mad enough to kill me I mean.
Aria: No,I took most of my anger at you last night and on the chains.but I need you to answer me one question, are you using me? Like you were using Mason and I need you to be honest with me because if I found out that you lie to me saying—
Katherine:(hugs Aria,catching Aria in surprise) I would never use my own sister,I know I manipulate people to get what I want and I know that I can be mean and seems like I only care about myself,but the truth is that I did,that was until I met you,I thought I would never see my sister again until you basically showed up in my hotel room.The only thing I care about in this world is you and me. Am sorry I hurt your aunt but If Elena thought she could use you to stop me...she would and I just couldn't let her do that.I care about you so much,I just can't bear the thought of losing you again.
Aria:oh,Katerina...(she hugs her again)  you will never lose me... am sorry I came over and attacked you...
Katherine: it's ok,you were mad.
Aria: and Elena would never use me.
Katherine: That is what you think.
Aria: she's my sister,she would never use me like that.(Katherine just scoffs) anyways I should get going,(she grabs her phone) it looks like Jenna got back.
Katherine:I healed her.
Aria: what?
Katherine: Last night,I gave her some of my blood to heal her.
Aria: but wouldn't have—
Katherine: She was asleep. It was easy.
Aria: thank you.(she goes towards the door) сестра 'sister' (Katherine smiles and Aria leaves)

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