Bad moon rising

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*at the Gilbert house,Aria and Bonnie where naked together in the bed,sleeping when Aria starts to wake up,she goes to move but feels a weight on her,she turns around and sees it was Bonnie,who had half her body wrapped around Aria's,Aria smiles and kisses Bonnie's forehead and turns her head back around and was about to go back to sleep when she opens her eyes again and sees Katherine standing on the front door,looking at her with a rise eyebrow*
Aria:(gasp and immediately pulls the covers up higher covering her and Bonnie who had let go of Aria and turns around continuing to sleep,she whispers yells) Katrina! What the bloody hell! (She uses her magic to summon some clothes and gets out of bed) what are you doing here!
Katherine: first of all,that's no way to speak to your sister, second I was just coming to check on my baby sister,if I knew you were sleeping with the Bennett witch I would have called.(she then smiles) how did you know it was me,I am wearing Elena's clothes.
Aria: Just because you look like her and act like her doesn't mean you can fool me and besides,Elena always wears her vervain necklace,you're not wearing the necklace.
Katherine:(smirks) but I always fool the others.
Aria:oh,which reminds me...(she walks towards Katherine and smiles,then she suddenly grabs Katherine's arm and breaks it,Katherine lets out a yelp and groans from the pain) this is for killing Caroline.
Katherine:(she holds her arm that is broken) you broke my arm because of what I did to Caroline?!
Aria: (whispers yells)yes! You kill her which turned her into a vampire,she killed someone last night.(whispers to herself) even if I didn't like the guy.(to Katherine) he didn't deserve to die.(suddenly Bonnie starts to wake up,Katherine and Aria turn around and Aria whispers to Katherine) act like Elena,if she knows it you,she will kill you.(Katherine nods and Aria walks towards the bed)
Bonnie:Aria...what's with all—(she then sees 'Elena') oh! Elena...(she pulls the covers up coving her body) I can—
Aria: it's ok Bonnie,Elena understands and here let me help(she waves her hand and Bonnie magically has her clothes on)
Bonnie:uh...thanks why were you two talking to loud?
Aria: Because we were talking about uh...getting a ring for Caroline.(She looks a 'Elena')
Elena:yes,we were, I was telling Aria that we should maybe train her to be a vampire first before giving her a ring.
Bonnie: I got to agree with Elena on this one,Aria. We should wait until she can control her bloodthirst frist,the last thing I need is for Caroline to bite you again.
Elena:(is in shock) for her to what!
Bonnie:(looks suspiciously at Elena) you were there.why are you acting surprise?
Elena:am not I just thought she bite her again.
Aria:and she's says she feels sorry,look,I think it will be good for her to get outside.
Bonnie:I'll think about it,(she gets up) am going to used your bathroom.(Aria nods and Bonnie leaves,Katherine immediately looks at Aria)
Katherine:she bit you! When I get my hands on her—
Aria:it was an accident,I cut my hand she bit me,but am fine amd your not going to hurt her.
Katherine:fine I won't physically hurt her.
Aria: what is that supposed to—(she suddenly hears Bonnie yelp)
Bonnie:(from inside the bathroom)Elena?!
Aria:looks like Bonnie just ran into Elena,you should go.
Katherine:ok I will,be safe(she hugs her) and please don't get killed(she leaves and Bonnie comes back inside the room)
Bonnie:Aria,that's wasn't—
Aria: I know.

*Salvatore Boarding House,Alaric arrives at the Salvatore boarding house.*
Damon: Thanks for coming, Ric. Can I get you something to drink? Coffee, bourbon? Bourbon in your coffee?
Alaric: Elena and Aria mentioned you needed my help.
Stefan: Yeah, we were hoping you could help shed some light on the Lockwood family.(At the Lockwood mansion Mason is goes outside the house for a run. Tyler observes him and follows.)
Alaric: Now, why would I know anything about the Lockwood's?
Damon: Well, you wouldn't. But your dead, not-dead vampire wife might.
Elena: Isobel's research from when you guys were at Duke together.
Stefan: You said that she had spent years researching this town.
Aria: she might know more about them and about werewolf's
Alaric: Isobel's research here in Mystic Falls rooted in folklores and legends but at the time I thought much of which was fiction.
Damon: Like that amazing vampire story.
Elena: Aside from vampires, what else?
Alaric: The lycanthrope.
Elena: Wait, like werewolves?
Damon: No way, impossible, way too Lon Chaney.
Aria:Ah ,hello people!(she points to herself)
Damon: I mean besides Aria, it impossible to believe other werewolf's exist,
Stefan: Is it?
Damon: I've been on this planet one hundred and sixty some odd years,only came across one and she is standing right here. If more werewolves exist, where the hell are they?(We see Mason running in the woods. Tyler is following him. Mason goes down some brick steps into the ruins.)
Alaric: Why do you suspect the Lockwoods?
Damon: Because vervain didn't affect the mayor at Founders' Day but the Gilbert device did and it affected his son Tyler and we know it affected Aria.
Stefan: And at the school carnival his uncle Mason exhibited inhuman behavior when he fought with one of the carnival's workers.
Aria: and when we arm wrestle and lose he looks at me and his eyes flash a yellow color.(In the woods we see Mason going out from the ruins. Tyler watches him and goes in the ruins.)
Stefan: It suggests it's some sort of a supernatural entity.
Elena: We were hoping that Isobel's research could help us figure it out what it is.
Alaric: Well, all her things are still at Duke. I mean her office is still there. She's technically still missing.
Damon: So can we get access to it?(Tyler is in the ruins. He opens some of the underground doors. He takes pictures of the underground quarters.)Ric, we need to know what we are dealing with. If they are wolf people,like Aria , I've seen enough movies to know it's not good.(Tyler backs into some metal restraining device and scares himself. He notices scratch marks on the wall.)
Damon: It means Mason Lockwood is a real-life Lon Chaney and that little Tyler punk may just very well be Lon Chaney junior, which means Bella Lugosi, meaning me, is totally screwed.
Aria: If they are werewolfs then I wouldn't let them get near you guys.

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