Children of the Damned

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*Mystic Falls 1864,A horse drawn carriage with a driver and his passenger are heading down a dirt road. Up ahead, in the middle of the road, lies a man with a woman kneeling beside him. The woman gets up when she sees the carriage and starts shouting.*
Katherine: Please! Please, help us!(Katherine runs toward the carriage as it comes to a halt.)Please, my husband, he's been hurt! Please help him!(The driver jumps down from his seat and goes to check on the man in the road. The passenger of the vehicle opens the carriage door and exits.)
Man: What are you doing out here in the middle of the night? It's not safe.
Katherine: No. No, sir. It's not safe.(Katherine bares her fangs and bites the man's neck. The man screams as Katherine drains the life out of him. Meanwhile, the driver is kneeling over Damon's body, but turns around when he hears screaming. He sees his passenger's dead body lying by the carriage, but does not see Katherine. He looks back the other way and Katherine has appeared right in front of him. Her eyes become red and she drains the blood from the man who screams for his life. She tosses him aside when she has drained him, blood drenching her chin.)And that's how it's done.(Katherine wipes the front of her dress with her palms. Damon slowly and cautiously gets up and looks at the two dead men.)
Damon: What happens to the bodies?
Katherine: Well, I'll take them into the woods and the other animals will finish them off. (Damon seems frightened)Are you sure you're ready for this?
Damon: (nods)I'm ready. I want you to turn me.
Katherine: When it's time. Kiss me.(Damon pulls a handkerchief from his coat pocket with a flourish. He moves to wipe the blood off Katherine's chin, but Katherine grabs his hand and moves in closer.)You should get a taste.(Katherine moves in to kiss Damon, but Damon moves away.)
Damon: Sorry.
Katherine: Don't be. Soon you won't be able to get enough.(Damon hesitates for a moment before kissing Katherine with a fiery passion. Damon pulls away and the blood from Katherine's chin has smudge on Damon's lips which Katherine wipes at with her finger.)

*Salvatore Boarding House,Stefan and Elena are snuggled up spooning in Stefan's bed. Elena awakens and Stefan wakes up shortly after this and kisses Elena on the cheek as Elena pulls his arm tighter around her.*
Elena: Mmm. Good morning.
Stefan: I could get used to this.
Damon: Rise and shine, sleepyheads.(Elena and Stefan both sit up, startled at Damon's presence at the end of Stefan's bed. Both of them pull the sheets up to their chins, covering up any parts they may not want Damon to see.)
Elena: Damon! Please!
Stefan: What are you doing?
Damon: Oh, stop being smutty.(Stefan pulls the sheets further up on Elena, making sure she's covered up properly.)
Aria:(walks in) Damon I swear if I come in there they better not—(she sees Elena and Stefan are covering themselves) Oh,bloody hell.(she turns around) Damon! You could have told me they know.
Stefan: Seriously, get out of here,Damon! Aria can you please leave as well.
Aria: don't have to tell me twice.(she goes to leave but Damon stops her)
Damon: If I see something I haven't seen before, I'll throw a dollar at it. Now listen, we have some very important business to discuss.
Elena: And it has to be right now?
Aria: I agree, can't it be when they aren't naked.
Damon: Well, we have lots to do, now that we're all friends and working toward a common goal.(Stefan and Elena exchange looks. Damon gets up from the end of the bed and turns around to face them.)
Aria: I guess we really are doing this, ok, so Damon explain to them what you told me.
Damon: So, in order to open the tomb, we need to find the journal to get the grimoire to undo the spells. First things first-since you are Elena Gilbert, you're on journal duty.
Elena: Since when am I helping?
Damon: Well, Stefan's helping, and you've taken up residence in Stefan's bed, ergo...
Stefan: You don't have to do anything that you don't want to do.
Elena: I'll look for it tonight.(Elena lays back down in the bed, pulling the sheets over her face.)
Damon: Good.
Aria: she doesn't have to,I know where it is.
Damon: ok then you and Elena get the book.
Stefan: How do we know that this journal will hold the location of the grimoire? We're really going to take the word of this vampire? He seemed like a bit of a dimwit
Damon: In lieu of any other options.(Elena pulls the sheets down and sits up suddenly.)
Elena: OK, what exactly is a grimoire, anyway?
Damon: It's a witch's cookbook.
Stefan: Every spell that a witch casts is unique unto itself, so every witch would document their work.
Damon: Yeah. Cookbook.
Aria: I wonder if there any grimoire about the Gilbert witches?
Damon: there might be,who knows.
Stefan: What about our mystery vampire? Dimwit obviously wasn't working alone, so whoever's out there knows who we are.
Damon: And I don't like that disadvantage, so...(claps his hands together) Chop, chop. (They start to walk out of the room, Damon turns around, and continues to walk backwards out of the room while talking to Elena and Stefan) You know, I really like this whole menage a foursome team thing. It's got a bit of a kink to it. (He chuckles.)Don't screw it up.(Damon exits the room. After a second, Elena looks over at Stefan.)
Elena: He doesn't–(Stefan places his finger to his lips and points to the door then his ear, indicating that Damon could still hear them.)
Elena: Oh, right, yeah.(Stefan grabs Elena's hand and kisses it, then starts to get out of bed.)
Stefan: OK.(Elena pulls Stefan back into bed.)
Elena: Oh! No, come here.(Elena kisses Stefan.)
Stefan: We shouldn't-
Elena: Shh.(Elena places her finger to his lips, then points to her ear, as Stefan did earlier. They both smile and continue to kiss each other as they pull the covers over their heads and begin to have what is referred to as morning sex.)

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