The hybrid

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*Salvatore Boarding House,Damon is in his bedroom removing all the notes, maps, and newspaper cuttings from his closet and listening to the TV news.*
Reporter (on TV): Whether suicide, or a tragic accident, WPKW News has lost one of its shining stars. Field reporter and weekend anchor Andie Star was discovered...(Elena arrives.)
Damon: Just can't stay away, can you?
Elena: You've been dodging my calls.
Damon: Yeah, well, busy dating a dead fake girlfriend and all.
Elena: Why didn't you tell me?
Damon: Happy Birthday, Elena. Stefan killed Andie. Cake?
Elena: He called me, Damon.
Damon: What?
Elena: Stefan called me last night.
Damon: Well, what'd he say?
Elena: He didn't say anything, but it was him. I asked Sheriff Forbes if she would trace the call's origin. It came from Tennessee.
Damon: Where he's binge drinking on the country folk. We went through this, Elena. Stefan's gone. I don't mean geographically and Aria...she's strong and hopefully she will be back soon.(He throws the documents into the unlit fireplace.)
Elena: If he was gone, he wouldn't have called.(He lights a match and throws it into the fireplace, which starts burning.)

*Alaric's Residence,Alaric is in his bed and is woken by loud knocking at the apartment door.*
Alaric: Go away, Damon!(Someone knocks again. He gets up and opens the door. It's Elena.)
Elena: Hi.
Alaric: You're, uh...not who I expected.
Elena: I need you to tell me what you know about Stefan and Tennessee.
Alaric: Did you miss the part where I checked out of all this?
Elena: Come on, Ric. Whatever Damon knows, you know.
Alaric: Ask Damon.
Elena: Yeah, but Damon's not exactly in the mood to help right now.
Alaric: For good reason. Because it's not safe for you. Stefan's off the rails and Aria hasn't contacted anyone but she's powerful and keep herself safe
Elena: Yeah, but he's still holding on to his humanity, which means he can still be saved and am sure Aria wouldn't let him go on the deep end.
Alaric: And why do you have to be the one to save him?
Elena: Because I'm not the kind of person who checks out. Look, he would never give up on me. I'm not gonna give up on him. Tell me what you know, Ric. Please.
Alaric: They've been tracking werewolves, he,Aria and Klaus. All over the eastern seaboard. We thought we had 'em outside of Memphis...

*Smoky Mountains,Klaus,Aria and Stefan are walking in the mountains. Stefan is carrying Ray, unconscious, on his shoulders.*
Klaus: You okay? Is Ray getting heavy?
Stefan: I'm fine.
Klaus: You sure about that? You know, we've been walking for quite some time now. If you need some water or a little sit-down...
Stefan: You know, I get that we're, uh...we're stuck together, but if we could maybe just skip the chitchat, it'd be great.
Aria:ugh, boys.
Klaus: So much brooding. Your self-loathing is suffocating you, my friend.
Stefan: Maybe it's 'cause I'm a little tired of hunting werewolves. We've been at it all summer.
Aria: his right on that Klaus,am getting tired of hurting wolfs
Klaus: Thanks to our pal Ray, we found ourselves a pack. There.(They stop. They found the pack's camp. Stefan enters their camp. Everyone looks at him. He puts Ray on the ground. A woman rushes over to him.)
Woman: Ray! Oh, my God. What's going on? Who are you?(Klaus and Aria join Stefan.)
Klaus: The important question is who am I and who is she(he points at Aria). Please forgive the intrusion. My name is Klaus.
Woman: You're the hybrid.(Klaus smiles.)
Klaus: You've heard of me. Fantastic. Now let me introduce my best friend, Aria.a little known fact about her,she isn't any normal wolf.(he smiles as he looks at Aria.Aria sighs as she looks down and then looks up at them with her eyes glowing red and her fangs showing,making them all gasp) Alpha...
Klaus: You know what she is,good. Then you all know what will happen if I tell her to bite you all.(Aria looks at Klaus in shock as Stefan looks at Aria with worried in his face)

*Lockwood Mansion,Carol pours herself a glass of scotch and then puts some vervain in the coffee pot. Tyler arrives.*
Tyler: Hey, mom.(He kisses her on the cheek.)
Carol: Morning, sweetheart. Coffee's hot.(He pours himself some coffee.)
Tyler: Rough night?
Carol: Uh, rough week. I'm a little stressed. You?
Tyler: Feeling pretty good.
Carol: You know, if you're going to bring a girl home, I wish she'd have the tact to not sneak out like a prostitute.
Tyler: I'm sorry. She snuck out?
Carol: Hmm.(He drinks a sip of coffee.)
Tyler: Whoa. I think the cream's bad.(He puts the cup down.)Don't wait up tonight.(He kisses her on the cheek.)Oh, and Caroline, she's not a prostitute.(He leaves. Carol takes her phone and calls someone.)
Carol: Bill, it's, um, Carol Lockwood. I've gotten myself into a bit of a vampire situation.

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