Finals - Tabula Rasa

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Tabula Rasa - The mind of the individual is born blank, it also emphasizes the freedom of individuals to author their own soul.

Just as the newborn entering the world for the first time, twenty four tributes entered the arena, their minds almost entirely blank. With their lack of memory, came the freedom to do whatever they wanted to in their Games, regardless of whatever pressures they had already placed on themselves. Careers could run and hide, and twelve year olds could become brutal killers.

And now, the Victor of the Games is being allowed one more decision to alter their fates. They find themselves alone, in the same room they told their best and worst memories, left in almost the exact same condition. Only now, the piece of paper only says three words.

Remember or forget?

The choice is theirs.


Welcome to the Finals task, our three Finalists.

Dandy Delphan, Jolene Arusha Cain, and Solar Desisco!

Your task is to write your tribute's decision, whether to remember or to forget, and the aftereffects of your tribute's decision. Of course, although this information is not available to your tribute, there is a twist regardless of their decision.

If your tribute chooses to remember: They will remember everything about the Games and their lives before, but they will also be hijacked, and every single one of their memories will be terrible, painful memories. They will want to forget, but they will never be able to.

If your tribute chooses to forget: They will not only forget the Games, but everything that happened before them, including their best and worst memories. They will be left with the overwhelming desire to remember, but will remember only one thing: that they were given a choice and chose to forget.

There is no word limit this task, so run wild, but remember this is what will determine the final results of the Games. Make sure your entries are the best they can be!

As with last task, there is no early deadline. Your task is due Sunday, June 28th at 11 PM BST.

Good luck tributes! All of you deserve to be here, so make sure to do your best. May the odds be ever in your favor!

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