Task Two: A Bloodbath by Any Other Name - Entries

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Jason Platinum

The glass crashes leaving me, Remus, The boy from 4, and the girl from 12. I cautiously step off the podium, no explosion. Good. My fingers trace against the wall. Then, I start sprinting. Glimmering lights shine in the distance. I am in the Hunger Games. This is the Bloodbath. The lights get bigger and bigger. I am suddenly in a room, with 2 other people. The girl from 3, and the boy from 12. There is a bow in the center of the room. I run toward it, and grab the bow, slinging the quiver over my shoulder. I launch an arrow at the boy from 8. It pierces his eye and he collapses on the floor. I grab 4 packs, and the other quiver of arrows. I launch another arrow at the girl from 9, and it goes through her chest, blood splattering on the floor. The other arrow launches in the girl from 2's stomach. I take a stack of throwing knives and run. I run through hallways, zig-zag, hoping to lose any pursuers. I see a door and charge. Outside, the light blinds me. My vision focuses and the abandoned city greets me. Others are coming out of the building one by one. The city has many buildings. It looks very new with the shining buildings, reflecting the sun's light. I run till I see a hotel. I don't even think twice. The building is mine as I sprint through the doors. The elevator is working as I ride up to the 10th floor. I pick a random room and look out the window. Remus just emerged with his beloved broadsword. I decide to stay in the hotel room. The 4 packs I grab contained helpful stuff. In total I received 2 daggers, 3 sets of throwing knives, 1 first aid kit, 4 cateens, 3 empty, 6 packs of water-purification packs, a pack of dried fruit, and 2 packs of dried meat. I see the sun setting down. I rack up my stuff and sleep like someone knocked me out.

Delaney Tourmaline
Dropped out

Remus Artine

There's something to be said about darkness and the way it can wrap someone up and make them feel protected better than even the best safety blanket can. Even though I entirely lack my sight when I rest in it, I still feel undisturbed. Maybe it's because nobody else can see me in this light - or lack thereof, actually - but, to someone who's recently lost almost all my memories, this darkness is a great confidence booster.

And I grossly overestimated my time so I kill these three people I don't care enough to know and run.

Ethelia Stormgaze
No entry

Raven Castille
The platform rises, taking me with it. I am vaguely nervous about what I'm going into. Whatever happens in these Games, there is a very good probability that I will end up dead. And I don't even know why I'm in here.

There is something wrong about this body. It feels off, like I am muscly in weird places that I shouldn't be. I don't know why I am in here. This is a guy's body and I'm a girl... Nothing makes sense.

The platform comes to a stop, and I look around the room. There are three other people in here, two other girls and one guy. We all stand in silence, waiting for whatever is to come.

Just when I start to get impatient, the lights explode. Glass from the bulbs flies everywhere, and a siren goes off. I jump off my pedestal, assuming that is the signal that we can move. There is a door in the front of the room that slides open and I sprint out of it, faster than the others in the room. I must say, even though I don't find this body to be comfortable at all, it does have its perks. I am able to move faster than the others and make it down the hallway before most others. I keep running, until I come across a room. I throw the door open to see that it is filled with all sorts of supplies, from weapons to packs with food. I immediately gravitate towards the knives on the wall, and jog over to them. I pick out a few with similar size and weight to the knives I've used before, and put them in the pocket of my coat. But just as I do so, another person bursts into the room.

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