Tribute Form

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Before we start, this is just a friendly reminder that tribute reservations have not opened yet. Reservations will open Thursday, April 9th at 11 PM BST. This is only the form that will need to be filled out once reservations do open.


Name: (Please provide a pronounciation if necessary)

Age: (12-18)

District: (1-12 for now. 13 and the Capitol will be opened if there is sufficient demand)

Gender: (Male or female, what they were Reaped as)

Appearance: (You may provide a picture if you would like, but a written description is also necessary)

Personality: (Not a list of traits, a written description)

Best Memory/Worst Memory: (Since these are all the memories your tribute will be left with, these are all we need to know, This section is replacing Background/History entirely)

Volunteered/Reaped: (Keep in mind the tributes do not know the twist when the Reaping occurs)

Reason/Reaction: (If they volunteered, state the reason. If they were reaped, state the reaction.)

Weapon of Choice: (Remember what your tribute's past experiences might have been like. A coal miner from Twelve will not be proficient with a trident. A lumberjack from Seven will probably be proficient with an axe)

Token: (This is the only thing your tribute has from home, make sure to choose wisely)

Other: (Anything else necessary to your character's development.)


Forms will not be accepted until after reservations open, but please remember to submit your form how it was specified in the rules!

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