Task Three - All The Jabberjays You Want - Voting

151 8 12

Despite the hiccups that went on with entries, and the lack thereof, we are very happy with the entries we got, and the many different interpretations of the task. Excellent job to all of you! Here are the death tolls for this task. Be warned, they're incredibly close.

Jason Platinum: 3

Remus Artine: 3 (-1)

Raven Castille: 2

Annelle Kuepers: 2

Zacharias Brown: 3

Marin Calypso: 2 (-1)

Solar Dedisco: 2 (-1)

Collin Messanda: 0

Nobody Westing: 2 (-1)

Leana Ikat: 3 (-1)

Dandy Delphan: 2

Violiss Ophele: 3

Cassidy Shepherd: 1

Ikeda Gray: 0

Jemma Harris: 1

Jolene Arusha-Cain: 1


Unfortunately, Jolene Arusha-Cain did not hand in for this task. This means that, as well as being up for votes, her sponsorship has been revoked, and transferred to Cassidy Shepherd.


Below are the five tributes up for votes. The four who did not hand in are italicized.

Vote for the two tributes you think should be saved. Two will survive votes, and three will be eliminated. Please remember standard voting procedures. Voting will close in twenty four hours on Monday, May 25th at 11 PM BST. The fourth task will be posted then.

Jason Platinum of District One
Raven Castille of District Three
Violiss Ophele of District Nine
Jemma Harris of District Eleven
Jolene Arusha-Cain of District Twelve

Good luck tributes, and may the odds be ever in your favor!

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