Chapter 244 : Fooling Everyone!

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A grin spread on Renzo's face. He said, "You are now trapped. I was planning to just kill you and get your head. But since you have killed 4 of my men, I will torture you until you beg for death!"

The morale of the remaining hunters in the barrier finally recovered.

Fujin thought, 'Just 4? Are there multiple groups here?'

No fear appeared on Fujin's face. He retorted, "Torture me?"

He looked towards his right and said, "I left the village to bait and hunt you down. If you dissolve the formation and surrender, you might be able to keep your life. Otherwise, even if you manage to kill me, your only result will be death!"

The bounty hunters were shocked to hear that Fujin was the bait. Renzo and others followed Fujin's gaze. Their eyes widened as four Konoha ninjas appeared outside the barrier. Shingo muttered with a grim face, "We were schemed against! It is Kakashi of the Sharingan!"

Their morale which had just recovered crashed down. Fujin's words were completely true. They would have a very difficult battle to just kill Fujin. Facing even stronger Konoha ninjas right after it would be a certain death!

Meanwhile, Kakashi's group also had grim faces.

Yamanaka Ken said, "Fujin is trapped."

Kakashi too had a grim face. He said, "The barrier has a high demand for chakra. And all four ninjas need to keep supplying chakra continuously. We will target one spot and kill one of them."

The battlefield entered a deadlock. The Konoha jounins couldn't interfere. And though the bounty hunters were safe for the moment, they were very fearful for their life.

Fujin noticed the distraction and immediately took advantage. The clones gathered chakra. The four jounins facing them noticed it and reacted. However, a dozen Vacuum Bullets were already fired at each of them.

Despite the low distance and the fast speed of the bullets, they still moved their body as much as they could. Renzo dodged 10 bullets and the remaining 2 he blocked with his sword. However, cracks spread through his sword due to the power behind the bullets. His expression became dark as he realized, 'If I hadn't used chakra flow on the swords, the bullets might have pierced straight through them!'

However, the other 3 weren't as strong as him. They could only move sufficiently for the bullets to miss their vital organs. A bullet grazed the right arm of Shingo. It left a cut so deep that even his bone was visible. The other two were hit by two to three Vacuum Bullets each.

Unfortunately for those two, they were once again standing right behind each other. So despite dodging, they were targeted by the Vacuum Bullets heading towards them from their back. One of them was very unlucky. A vacuum bullet hit his back and pierced straight through his heart. He dropped dead. The other one had a couple more holes created in his body but luckily avoided any critical injuries.

One of Fujin's clones laughed and taunted, "This barrier is good. This way, none of you can run away. Hahahaha!"

Not wanting to lose any more morale, Renzo immediately attacked the clone closest to him and shouted, "Everyone! Attack him! Attack and kill all four of him. Only after he is dead we can plan on how to escape the once outside the barrier!"

There was still another barrier created inside the Four Violet Flames Formation. It still had five people. One was the injured Jounin from Renzo's group. Another was the SealMaster while three were from the other group. Other than the injured Jounin, the others exited the barrier and attacked Fujin's clones.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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