Chapter 231 : Spamming Shadow Clones Once Again!

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[A/N : Hey guys. This chapter is Sponsored by Zero1995. You can thank him for the double release.]

In an hour, Fujin had gone through all 12 fishes without completely healing any. He sighed, 'I feel like I am close but I still can't heal it without burning its flesh... Still, I have a feeling that it should just be a matter of practice. I should get a hang of this jutsu soon.'

Fujin turned his attention towards the seal and began testing it. After a while, he concluded, 'Interesting seal. It has the base of a normal storage seal. That should be used to create a space in the seal. In addition, there are seals to preserve life and not pose any harm to it as well as to keep the air fresh and rich in oxygen. I can replicate these with ease.

However, there are a few additional seals that I don't recognize... I wonder if they will be in Section A of the library... Since the only additional component in the seal is time, I guess that these seals are responsible for slowing down time in the seal.'

Suddenly, Fujin's eyes widened as he had an idea, 'Wait! Since there are seals to slow down time, are there also seals that speed up time? If yes, then I could build my own hyperbolic time chamber! The fourth war is only around 8 to 9 years away and I am not sure how strong I can be by then. But a Hyperbolic time chamber could provide me with a huge help. Especially to master other elements and to try to fuse elements and learn Kekkei Genkais. But...'

A frown formed on Fujin's face, 'But, this won't be without drawbacks. I don't have any means to extend my Lifespan. Using such means will make me get older faster. At the very least, I shouldn't use it until the growth of my body has stopped.

Not to mention, it is highly questionable if such a seal exists. After all, if it does, I am sure that there would be many others who could come to the same conclusion as me. So, such training rooms should have been a trend in the ninja world. Especially during the times of great wars. Every village could use them to quickly train their kids and add more manpower to their armies.

Still, even if it doesn't exist, can I invent such a seal?'

Fujin stared at the unfamiliar symbols while thinking, 'The Konoha library should have the seal to slow down time. Whereas, speeding up time just needs reverse principles. With this seal as a base, I could have something to work with.'

Fujin analyzed more before nodding to himself, 'Yes, I can try this. Even if I have to limit the usage for myself, this method can be very handy. I'll work on this after mastering the seal that slows down time!'

With numerous ideas running through his mind, Fujin began studying the seal properly. He wrote down the symbols he didn't identify and experimented with them until he was sleepy.

The next day Fujin created a couple of Shadow clones. The clones looked at him and nodded. No words were needed. Fujin left the house and began his morning routine while his clones continued working on the seal.

After completing his morning routine, Fujin began relearning his jutsus by controlling Yin and Yang chakra. Fujin analyzed, 'My Infinite Breakthrough jutsu is modified to the limit. I can't strengthen it once again in a short time. Time to move on to the Air Bullet Jutsu. Once this jutsu is down, I will check if Yin and Yang chakra could be used to improve Wind Vacuum jutsus.

Fujin trained till his chakra levels became low. Satisfied with his progress, he returned home, took the scroll and went to the hospital to buy more fish for testing. After dinner, he trained Mystical Palm jutsu once again before going to bed.

For the next 5 days, Fujin trained in this manner. Finally, on the 5th night, a grin formed on Fujin's face. In front of him, a fish was rapidly flapping its fins and jumping on the scroll. Fujin muttered, "Mystical Palm jutsu is learnt!"

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