Chapter 232 : Invitation to become a Medical Ninja

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Fujin's clones spent the whole day studying the seal and trying to replicate it. Due to studying with 30 clones, they made rapid progress. Finally, at midnight, one shadow clone exclaimed, "I did it!"

This immediately attracted everyone's attention. They began moving closer to him to observe the seal. But the clone said with a chuckle, "No need to be impatient."

He dispelled himself and sent memories to Fujin and all his clones. All the clones absorbed the memories and realized. Immediately, they began creating the seal.

Meanwhile, Fujin, who was meditating in the meditation room, opened his eyes. A smile formed on his face. He created a shadow clone and dispelled it.

All the shadow clones received the memories. After completing the seal, clones began dispelling themselves at regular intervals. After absorbing everyone's memories, Fujin returned to the basement. He collected all the scrolls and opened up a new one.

He quickly inscribed the newly learnt seal into the scroll and studied it. After observing it thoroughly, he concluded, 'Good, this looks exactly like the seal I copied. Now, time to test it.'

Fujin stored a rotten apple in the seal and thought, 'It's good that I had the presence of mind to buy a rotten apple when I went out to eat. I will check if the apple's state worsens or remains the same until tomorrow morning. In the meantime, I will have a nice long sleep. My headache is killing me!'

The next morning, as soon as he woke up, Fujin withdrew the rotten apple from the seal. He observed it and concluded, 'The same as last night. Great. I will continue storing it in this seal to test how well this seal works. If it can keep it stored for a week or more, I'll begin reversing this seal to increase the speed of time.'

Fujin sealed the apple back in the seal and looked at the clock. His eyes widened, 'The hell? It is already 11:45 AM? Shit, I underestimated that headache!'

Fujin quickly got off his bed and freshened up. He grabbed a few fruits to eat and flickered to the hospital. Thanks to his speed, he barely managed to make it in time. Fujin entered the room thinking, 'Though last time was fun, it's probably best to not delay pointlessly. After all, my reputation is nowhere near Kakashi's.'

As Fujin entered the room, the room was quite noisy. Everyone was talking about the activities they did to ensure maximum happiness before coming to the hospital. However, they went quiet and looked at Fujin. After all, he was the only one to have some success in healing the fish.

A few groups called Fujin, but soon after Fujin entered the room, Yoshi, Isamu, Emi and Asuka entered the room as well. So everyone quickly occupied their seats.

Yoshi and Isamu walked to the front of the room and Yoshi announced, "This is Isamu. He was one of my students as well. Now he is a full-fledged medical ninja with a lot of achievements under his belt. Have you practiced at home?"

Everyone nodded. One person said excitedly, "Yes Sensei. I also did a lot of stuff to keep myself happy!"

Yoshi's face immediately went dark while Isamu let out a chuckle. Yoshi said, "Alright, show me your progress."

Everyone began going to the tables in groups and tried healing the fish. Fujin observed them. As he expected, no one had made any progress.

Finally, it was Fujin's turn to go. He got up and approached the table. The eyes of Yoshi, Isamu and others in the room were glued on him. He weaved a hand sign and extended his right hand towards the fish. Yang chakra appeared on his palm and began healing the fish.

In a few seconds, the fish began improving in health. It began quivering. Ten seconds later, it began moving its fins rapidly and jumped into the small pond on the other side of the table.

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