Chapter 206 : Schemes & Hidden Dangers

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The Kumo ninjas were horrified at the sight of hundreds of Explosive tags coming at them. Many Kumo ninjas began running away. A few escaped underground.

Darui, C, Samui and another Jounin had grim faces. They immediately made hand signs and cast a Lightning net in front of them. A few Explosive tags hit the Lightning net and were disabled. However, soon the explosive tags began exploding just before touching the lightning net. The lightning net was damaged by the explosion. The Kumo jounins increased the amount of chakra they poured into the Lightning net to repair it and make it hold on.

However, the number of Explosive tags was too high. The Lightning net was soon ripped apart. The Kumo ninjas immediately escaped into the ground. As soon as they did, the explosions covered the entire place!

A loud sound could be heard for miles around the spot where the explosion occurred. Trees, branches and stones were sent flying by the explosion. A smokescreen of dust, soil and smoke spread for hundreds of meters. A massive Fire lit up and spread through the forest at a rapid speed. The smoke raised due to the forest fire could be seen from all the nearby villages.

After a couple of minutes of the explosion, a head popped out of the ground. It was Darui. Soon, C, Samui and the other Jounin appeared out of the ground. All their faces had been covered in dust. Soon, 8 more Kumo ninjas also crawled out of the ground or ran back towards where Darui was.

C couldn't help but mutter, "What a crazy guy. Who carries so many explosive tags with them?"

The other Kumo ninjas were cursing Fujin too.

Darui looked at C and said, "Sense the position of others."

C nodded and began sensing. He led the other Kumo ninjas to where the missing Kumo ninjas were and began treating them one by one.

Meanwhile, Darui and Samui began checking what happened to Fujin. Samui said, "I should have warned you. Another one of them killed himself the same way."

Darui said, "It's not your fault. There was barely any time. Besides, considering the number of Explosive tags he had, we can say that he always planned to die in this way."

They arrived at the spot where Fujin and Tamotsu were before the explosion went off. They didn't find anything interesting at first. However, soon a shock appeared on their face.

Samui said, "There is nothing here."

Darui nodded, "Yeah, even though the explosions were powerful, at least their blood and bones should have remained here."

Samui said, "This means that he escaped. No, they escaped!"

Anger formed on Samui's face. Kumo had taken a lot of casualties in this confrontation. By comparison, Konoha only lost 3 ninjas.

Soon, a man arrived at their location along with 7 ninjas. He was Hari. He had watched the fight between Fujin and Darui but had to escape in a hurry when he saw the explosive tags. Hari asked, "Who was that lunatic brat?"

Darui replied, "He never told his name."

Hari asked, "Is he dead?"

Darui said, "Most likely not. He was standing here before the explosives went off but there are no signs of blood or remains. He probably escaped just before the explosions went off."

Hari frowned. He analyzed for a minute before saying, "When we saw those Explosive tags, it attracted all our attention. He must have flickered right before the tags exploded. And he carried the other Konoha ninja with him."

Samui said, "We need to hunt him. I'll form a squad and go after him."

However, Hari shook his head and said, "No, it's already been around 5 minutes since the explosive tags exploded. He should have escaped a long distance."

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