Chapter 207 : A Demand for Fujin's Head!

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It was a normal boring day for Yamanaka Hiroto. He had just finished patrolling and was wasting his time in the Patrol camp while chatting with Hyuga Jun. However, he suddenly stopped and spread his chakra field. It spread for 500 meters but he couldn't sense anything.

Hyuga Jun asked, "Did you sense something?"

Yamanaka Hiroto replied, "I can't sense anyone. But someone just sensed our camp. Check with your Byakugan."

Jun immediately activated his Byakugan.

Hiroto asked, "Who is it?"

A frown formed on Jun's face as he replied, "It's one of our ninjas. And he is carrying another who is very injured. He is around 1 kilometer to the east."

Fujin had roughly memorized the locations of Patrol camps from his previous missions. After arriving in the vicinity, he spread his chakra field to sense any ninjas in the vicinity. On sensing 7 ninjas in one place, Fujin flickered towards them.

In a minute, he appeared before Hiroto and Jun. Hiroto quickly said, "Identify yourself."

Fujin replied, "Suzuki Fujin. You can ask questions later. My teammate got very injured during the mission. Do you have a medic?"

Jun nodded and said, "Alright, follow me."

He quickly led Fujin into the camp and knocked on a door. He said, "Emiko, we have a very injured person. Come quickly."

Emiko immediately opened the door. She was the medical ninja in the camp. She was surprised when she saw Tamotsu's condition. She quickly laid him on a bed and began healing him.

While Emiko treated Tamotsu, Jun and Hiroto interrogated Fujin. They were suspicious of Fujin because Fujin didn't have a single injury on him despite his teammate being so injured. He asked for Fujin's ID number and other standard questions to confirm that Fujin was indeed a ninja from Konoha.

Finally, he asked, "Where is your remaining team?"

Fujin put up a sad face and said, "They are all dead."

Hiroto had expected such a result. He thought, 'I guess that he is safe because of the sacrifices of his teammates.'

He sighed and patted Fujin's shoulder and said, "It's fine. Sometimes missions go wrong."

Fujin nodded.

Emiko took around 20 minutes to heal Tamotsu. She left her room and approached Fujin and ask, "Are you injured as well?"

Fujin shook his head, "No, I am fine."

Emiko nodded and left to keep an eye on Tamotsu.

After an hour, Tamotsu gained consciousness. He quickly got up and sat up straight. However, his injuries made him grunt in pain. He looked around himself and was surprised that he was still alive.

Emiko stopped him from moving much and quickly asked him how he was feeling. Tamotsu answered her questions. When he was done, he asked, "How did I get here? And where are my teammates?"

The medical ninja sighed and said, "Your teammate Fujin brought you here. I'll call him."

She left the room to call Fujin. However, she was impressed by Tamotsu, 'Despite losing his left leg, his first thought was the wellbeing of his team.'

Meanwhile, Tamotsu was surprised that Fujin was able to escape along with him. However, recalling Tadashi and imagining the fates of Ryota and Katsumi, tears began rolling down his cheeks. He quickly wiped them off thinking, "I shouldn't appear weak in front of Fujin. I'll have lots of time to grieve for them later.'

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