Chapter 217 : The Wolf Valley

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Fujin weaved the hand signs and slammed his hands on the ground.

'Summoning Jutsu!'

Fujin immediately disappeared from Konoha.

The scenery around Fujin changed instantly. He was in the air and began falling. Fujin landed on his feet as he thought, 'So this is how Space-Time travel feels? I kinda assumed that it would be uncomfortable or weird. Instead, it just feels like flickering.'

As soon as he landed, a lot of eyes turned towards him. Fujin too looked around himself. His chakra field was already spread out.

He thought, 'So I am in the land of wolves, huh? Now, are they friendly or aggressive?'

Fujin had landed in a Wolf Valley. It was a huge place surrounded by massive mountains. Fujin sensed hundreds of wolves in his chakra field. And he could see that his chakra field didn't cover even one percent of the total area of the valley.

The spot where Fujin landed had 9 wolves around him. They looked at Fujin with curiosity as he appeared out of nowhere.

However, the curiosity didn't last long. A few seconds later, a Wolf howled loudly and pounced on Fujin! Immediately, the other wolves also howled and pounced on Fujin.

Fujin easily dodged them and asked, "Who is your leader?"

Unfortunately, he didn't get any response as they kept attacking him. Fujin sighed, 'Great, they don't understand human language!'

His expression became grim as he sensed the hundreds of wolves in his chakra field running towards him. He thought, 'I hope at least some of them understand human language.'

He kept dodging without attacking back. He was afraid that the leaders of the pack might treat him as an enemy if he attacked back. More importantly, he wasn't aware of how strong the leaders would be. If they were anything like the Toads or the Snakes, it would bring a catastrophe on him if he killed them indiscriminately.

Fujin kept dodging until the number of Wolves surrounding him became too high. With no other option, he flickered away. Unfortunately, the entire place was crawling with wolves. No matter where he flickered, he would be swarmed by wolves in a few seconds. Luckily, none of them could use chakra. So Fujin wasn't in any danger.

Suddenly, Fujin's attention was attracted. He sensed a wolf pack heading towards him. Every single wolf in this pack had a much higher chakra! It was as high as a normal chunin would have. In addition, their size was much larger than a normal wolf.

As soon as that pack appeared, the normal wolves cleared the path. They ran straight towards Fujin. A smile appeared on Fujin's face as he thought, 'Finally. I was getting bored. And they should understand human speech.'

The new Wolf pack didn't waste any time attacking Fujin. However, Fujin disappeared from their sight. The lead wolf suddenly howled as Fujin was standing on his back. Fujin stated, "I am not here to fight. So, can any of you bring me to your leader?"

Unfortunately, he didn't get any response as the other Wolves jumped at him. Their claws ripped through Fujin and their jaws took huge bites. Both their claws and jaws were enhanced with Chakra. However, the injured Fujin disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

This confused the wolves. Fujin, who was hiding underground, thought, "Okay, so they don't speak or don't want to speak."

Fujin could sense more wolf packs with higher chakra heading towards him. He made Shadow clones. Each of the clones headed towards the incoming packs and tried conversing with them.

Unfortunately, none of the wolf packs talked back to him. They just kept attacking him like wild beasts. Fujin's clones didn't bother putting up a fight. After getting no response, they just let the wolf packs kill them.

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