Chapter 220 : A Special State

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Fujin nervously observed the 'beast' in front of him while maintaining his hand seal. He was prepared to disappear in the blink of an eye! As he was looking up, an eyelid opened and stared right at Fujin.

The beast saw Fujin and thought, 'I sensed a chakra field engulfing me. Looks like it was this human.'

The beast observed Fujin and wondered, 'Why is he riling up his chakra and maintaining a barrier?'

He didn't get up and spoke in a rough and jagged voice, "A human? We haven't had one visit us in a while. Why are you here, little one?"

Fujin sighed in relief, 'Finally someone who talks and is reasonable.'

Though the beast's voice was painful to hear, Fujin didn't mind as he finally could have a conversation with an animal.

However, he didn't let his guard down and replied, "I am here to sign a summoning contract."

The beast observed him and said, "I see. But why are you maintaining a barrier?"

Fujin let out a sigh and answered, "I have been using Summoning jutsu blindly to find the right summon for me. Unfortunately, I had some very bad experiences."

The beast was surprised to hear the reason. Suddenly, he began laughing out loud in amusement! The sound of his laughter echoed through the mountains with a deafening roar, as if a thousand thunderbolts were crashing down upon the earth at once.

Sweat gathered on Fujin's forehead as his barrier trembled! He cursed, 'Shit, without the barrier, I might have gone deaf!'

His excitement about the thought of signing a summoning contract with such a strong beast quelled down as he began worrying about his life instead.

After laughing, the beast stood up. Fujin watched in awe as he saw his majestic body. He was a behemoth of a beast, standing at an astonishing height of almost 20 meters tall. His muscles bulged under a coat of thick, matted fur that bristled in the wind. His sharp, powerful claws were the size of longswords, capable of rending through flesh and bone with ease.

But it was the beast's jaws that were truly terrifying, gaping open to reveal teeth that were larger than Fujin's whole body. Each tooth was razor-sharp and curved, like a scythe made of ivory. The ground shook beneath its massive paws as it stood up. This was a predator unlike any other, a true apex predator.

Fujin gulped once again as he recognized the beast, 'A Sabertooth!'

The beast said, "Drop your barrier and introduce yourself, little one. Don't worry, I won't eat you. You won't even fit the gap between my teeth!"

He let out a cackling laughter.

Fujin agreed with his analysis. Though his barrier was strong, he had doubts about whether it could withstand an assault from the behemoth in front of him. He deactivated the barrier and stopped maintaining the hand sign and his chakra for escaping back. However, he was still alert and prepared to activate the barrier immediately despite doubting its reliability.

He said, "I am Suzuki Fujin from Konohagakure."

The Sabertooth observed Fujin and said, "Good name. It suits you well. I am Ryu, the son of Tatsu. Your strongest affinity is Wind nature manipulation, right?"

Fujin was surprised. He wondered, 'How did he sense that? Was it just my name or does he have the ability to sense chakra affinity?'

He nodded and said, "Yes, it is my strongest affinity."

Ryu said, "Good. Having a strong Wind affinity is one of the necessary conditions to be able to sign a contract with us."

Fujin thought, 'Lucky me, my other elements are lacking a lot right now.'

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