Chapter 228 : Yin & Yang

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Fujin sat in his meditation room and sat in a meditative position. Soon, chakra could be seen surrounding his body. Fujin's mind was analyzing his chakra, 'Yang Yin nature... How can I segregate the two?'

As Fujin inspected his chakra, he analyzed, 'Yang Release is described as the physical energy that governs vitality, growth, and life force. Meanwhile, Yin Release is described as the spiritual energy that governs imagination, creativity, and the formation of shape and form.

If I have to compare them with techniques, then Yang Release is often connected with Taijutsu while Yin release is linked with Genjutsu. Ninjutsu needs a balance of both of them. But, when we train Taijutsu, Genjutsu or Ninjutsu, we don't feel the Yang or Yin aspects of chakra...'

Fujin clenched his fist and raised it in front of his hands as continued analyzing, 'If Yang Release is just the physical energy, then can this be considered as Yang Release? After all, it enhances my physique.'

Chakra appeared around his fist. The chakra grew larger and at the same time, Fujin's fist became stronger. Fujin's eyes widened and began glowing as he realized, 'No, the chakra on my fist is just normal chakra. After all, I haven't segregated the chakra.

But, when I focus the chakra on my fist, my fist itself becomes much more resilient. Otherwise, every time I punch something, my fist will become a bloody mess due to the recoil. The chakra that enhances my fist is the Yang aspect of my chakra!'

Fujin didn't analyze anything for a couple of minutes and let the realization sink in. Finally, he let out a sigh and muttered, "So learning Senju Taijutsu Chakra automatically teaches us Yang Release... So I have known how to use Yang Release for more than a year without knowing that I know it..."

He lowered his fist and thought, 'Sigh, you could have at least told me Renjiro. Do these guys get a kick out of keeping some details a secret? Still, to think that he taught me Yang Release. He wasn't kidding about the magnanimity of the Senju clan! No way any other clan would teach Yin or Yang release to outsiders.'

Fujin focused his chakra once again. This time, a thin layer of chakra gathered on his entire body. However, the chakra began decreasing and soon dissipated. However, chakra was still gathered in his flesh. Fujin felt that his body was much stronger.

He opened his eyes and raised his right hand in front of him. A formless chakra appeared on his palm. Fujin thought, 'This should be pure Yang chakra. Since there is no Yin chakra involved, I can't control its shape.

I guess Yoshi wasn't speaking the complete truth then. With just Yang chakra, a medical ninja won't be able to heal perfectly. They will need a little bit of Yin chakra to control the Yang chakra so that they can heal effectively.

But, since he said that we just need to keep trying until we find the right proportions, I guess that we will eventually be able to release chakra that is majorly Yang but has a bit of Yin to control it appropriately. Anyways...'

Suddenly, Yin chakra flowed into his right palm and mixed with the Yang chakra. The chakra took the shape of a ball and began rotating rapidly. Fujin analyzed, 'So in the case of Rasengan, Yang chakra is responsible for the damage while Yin chakra is responsible for the rotation and the spherical form. To think that I was able to just do it subconsciously without knowing the details. The same should be the case with every ninjutsu.'

Fujin went into the lowest basement and began experimenting with all his ninjutsus. He began studying how Yin and Yang chakra worked in every ninjutsu.

Three days later, Fujin was standing in his basement. He made a few hand signs.

'Bringer of Darkness Jutsu'

Immediately, the entire room went dark. A smile formed on Fujin's face, 'Great! The time needed to reduce this jutsu has been reduced by 3 times. Though I spent 3 days studying Yang and Yin release, it was time well spent. I will be able to improve my Ninjutsus as well. Though they wouldn't have such a huge improvement, it is still better than nothing.'

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