Chapter 213 : A Sleepless Night...

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Hiruzen was stunned by the reply. A look of disbelief could be seen on his face. Even his mouth was left slightly open. He guessed that Fujin would figure out that it was his schemes that did this and hence called Fujin to verify his strategic acumen. He expected that Fujin would be awed by his schemes. However, he never expected such a shameless response!

Fujin's reply stunned Hiruzen so much that he forgot to breathe for a moment and began coughing. Fujin innocently asked, "Grandpa, are you alright?"

He picked up a water bottle nearby, poured the water into a glass and handed it to Hiruzen. Hiruzen accepted it and drank it. He couldn't help but stare at Fujin and curse, 'This greedy brat! I should have sent him to Root. I saved Danzo from so much trouble and didn't get anything in return!'

Meanwhile, Fujin enjoyed the range of emotions displayed on Hiruzen's face. After all, it wasn't often one got to see such emotions on Hiruzen's face.

Hiruzen said, "Jokes aside, what did you analyze?"

Fujin put up a sad face and replied, "I wasn't joking."

Hiruzen didn't reply and stared right at him until Fujin felt uncomfortable.

Fujin shrugged and said, "It was worth a try."

Fujin became serious and began analyzing what Hiruzen had shown him, "The most obvious thing is that all of these were ordered by you."

Hiruzen nodded and asked, "Why and how did I do this?"

Fujin answered, "I had suspected that Yusuke or perhaps even the Daimyo of the Land of Hot Water was allied with Kumo. That is why I didn't escape to their village despite it being closer.

Seeing that Yusuke's mansion is destroyed and Kumogakure is suspected, I guess he was involved with Kumogakure. Since he is dead, I guess that it was a punishment for betraying us and causing the deaths of my comrades. As for destroying the mansion, that was done to pin the blame on Kumo.

The rumors should have been spread by a special division that specializes in such stuff. Since the report said Land of Lightning and not Kumogakure, I guess that they spread the rumors in villages without any ninjas and the rumors spread from there on. This should cause panic in the country and put a lot of pressure on the Raikage against starting a war.

As for the destruction of the mine, I can see why you did it. I have heard that Kumo's military is very strong. And the location of the mine was closer to them than our village. So we may have been at a disadvantage if we fought a war over it. But, I don't know how you could cause such destruction."

Hiruzen was impressed by Fujin's analysis. He thought, 'Brilliant. Though some of it was incorrect, the analysis is great considering how young and inexperienced he is.'

He said, "Good analysis. You don't need to worry about how the mine was destroyed for now. Your analysis of the rumors was on point. As for the rest, it is lacking in some parts."

Hiruzen explained to Fujin the reasoning and intention behind most of his moves without giving Fujin any critical information. Fujin listened carefully. As he kept listening, he was more and more impressed by how clever, cunning and thorough Hiruzen was!

His schemes were planned intricately and came one after another continuously. And his every move made life miserable for A. Fujin almost felt pity for A. All his schemes were recognized by Hiruzen in one glance and instead, he had to face schemes that were on a whole different tier.

Fujin couldn't help but wonder, 'If he is so good at scheming, why did he take a loss during the Hyuga incident? Were there any other factors involved?'

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